Sunday, February 28, 2010 Metalcores Für Scooter

Aliens and disposals

Procediamo con la decostruzione.
In pillole,
pros and cons of Avatar :

- Bring forward new VISION film effects with high-definition 3D , technically focuses on creating a new universe to maximize the potential of this fantastic car. As well as "M " by Fritz Lang [1931] has enhanced the transition to talkies, this film allows us to see better, more thoroughly, and, sometimes, vedere per la prima volta la magia del cinema fantastico. Avatar produce una nuova estetica del cinema, concentrandosi sul bello e sulla sua rappresentazione tramite immagine.
- MA , c’è sempre il ma. Essendo un kolossal della forma estetica ed essendosi preoccupato così tanto di quella che è la forma di questa nuova visione, è stato tralasciato molto a livello del contenuto. Avatar è un concentrato di “ già visto e già sentito ” nonostante rilegga il tutto sotto l’occhio tridimensionale del cinema IMAX At the level of script is very poor. It produces no new meaning, revises the previous sense in a new look. Have been cited many films from which he could draw on to Cameron's script Avatar: P ocahontas, Matrix, Atlantis, Aida of the Trees, Ferngully. ( To explore these issues I refer you to link ).

Now, let a little reflection about one of the issues behind the story. Avatar of what struck me even more disturbed at the level of ethics. I omit the story, the context of Pandora , the concept of vision (which I have already treated for short) and the blue alien in order to concentrate on the double, which permeates throughout the film.
a paraplegic boy, or a person with physical limitations and a desire for revenge (something like a science project entrusted to his brother, but after his untimely death is selected our protagonist, so it begins to take shape already a
comparison "and a duplicity ) is facing the possibility of solving all problems through a virtual interface that carries his" soul "(meaning Cartesian of res cogitans ) in un perfetto corpo alieno.
L’evasione dal corpo naturale per il raggiungimento di una perfezione artificiale. L’abbandono della propria situazione fattuale per una
(ir)realtà virtuale .
All’interno del contesto “Avatar” (ossia, ancora una volta, Pandora e alieni blu) il discorso trova le sue motivazioni nelle limitazioni fisiche del protagonista e nella storia d’amore su cui si basa la pellicola (
Titanic anyone? ), ma, considerando in maniera più attenta le caratteristiche di questa nuova realtà aliena salta all’occhio il primo elemento che potrebbe, appunto, portare all’alienazione of the protagonist.

I was documenting the origin of the term "
Avatar," which for me has always had the contemporary validity of "virtual double" in the RPG, and found some interesting news.
According to the original etymology of the word avatar is the image represented the god incarnate, this meaning is derived from the Hindu tradition and is used to define the key figures in religion as incarnations of the god Vishnu
: Krishna Rama . It particularly stressed the fact that the Hindu concept the world comes very close to that of the civilization of Na ' you where every single element is connected to a universal whole through a spiritual network that allows the transfer of information, history and culture of their people over time. A peculiar feature of the avatars of the Indian tradition is their bluish color , the same color of the aliens starred in Cameron .
The term is mainly used today as part of the Internet and role-playing games (online or otherwise) to create a double of himself to be controlled at will. I have to characterize my avatar, scegliendo attributi fisici adatti e tratti peculiari che possono distinguerlo dagli altri avatar. I celebri videogiochi online come “
World of Warcraft ” ne sono una prova: il mio avatar diventa ciò che io non posso essere.
Il problema degli avatar online è un problema serio. La duplice valenza del termine, però non ci permette di sapere con certezza se
Cameron voglia parlare della realtà virtuale che, sempre di più prende piede nel nostro mondo, alle volte soppiantandolo completamente (vedi eXistenZ di David Cronenberg [1999]) oppure di questa valenza mysticism and spirituality of a religion animist.

Beyond the physical implications of the protagonist of the film, the choice to make "
winning" an avatar in relation to its original factuality is very heavy on the psychological level. This is interpreted as the perfect solution to every problem, a virtual panacea.
Jake Sully has no competence on military matters because of his disability, is depressed, dejected but once conquered his avatar becomes a winner. The progress wins out over nature, paradoxically. How can we remember in the movie Matrix [1999] , non ha importanza se il cibo che mangio è reale o meno, se il sapore di bistecca è veramente quello di una bistecca, mi soddisfa mangiarlo e la stessa irrealtà che mi circonda produce il mio piacere. È veramente un mondo costruito per me, per i miei bisogni . [Video quì ]

Prendo spunto dal film per proporre a voi lettori, come di consueto, l’approfondimento verso una tematica che trascende l’ interpretazione del film in se .
La vita di ognuno di noi si riflette nelle choices we make day after day, those seemingly useless to those essential to our existence. The choice that the protagonist takes at the end of the film is very important, involves issues of bioethics and genetic as Jake, chasing his dream (and attention to the word dream nell'accezione Freudian desire that ) decides to sacrifice his body and his identity is completely flawed and move on Pandora and have everything you always wanted. Perfect body, love and power.

The ideal of perfection ( aesthetic and ) is chased from the film until the total annihilation of nature, is a paradoxical message if we stop, just because the three hours of film did not repeat what was important to the nature and belonging to a people.
Delivering fantastic vision of Cameron in the much less pleasant, the generation of adolescents and adults of our world grappling with Internet and virtual reality such a choice is not the most advisable. For this, I repeat, the problem of the avatars (Three hundred and sixty degrees) is a major problem at the subjective level, involving the individual in the social sphere and psychological training that is indistinguishable from the real-image and that of an artificial though.
If you ever had a choice, what do you choose?
And this, dear readers, is also eugenics.

About Rbs Software India

Oh, Scar!

I, like many fans of cinema, prepare the popcorn and beer for the night of Oscar of March 7, 2010. Fortunately I'll be in Florida at that time, so I may see the ceremony live on NBC .
From one point of view I never liked the choices of ' in their Academy Awards, a film winner is not necessarily the best film of the year. They often forget that the selection criteria are very subjective and are influenced by economic, political and social. The film is acclaimed as the "best " must still pass under the critical eye of experts, the real ones, not those who allow themselves to be duped by "That Glitters" and the colossal statues of cars on duty to take home and are often the ones who crush the product.
Now, we know that the eyes of movie audiences 2009/2010 are on one and the same film, now estimated as the cinematic masterpiece of the decade: Avatar .

I saw Avatar , as I think 90% of the world's population (excluding only the Al Qaeda terrorists hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan, the monster of Loch Ness and the ice of Antarctica Superman) and I expressed my opinion after a few seconds. Yes, it is true, it took me 1 month to publish the review ... but I had everything in mind, ve lo giuro!
È anche vero che a me piace decostruire una pellicola per poi riassemblarla ed interpretarla sotto una nuova ottica, ma i film di mainstream veramente non li sopporto più di tanto. Ho il “ vizio ” professionale di cercare le motivazioni che si celano dietro la produzione di un film, estraniandomi un secondo dal contesto dell’ermeneutica filmica ed allargando la mia analisi al contesto che ha generato questa pellicola. Potete trovare questa caratteristica in ogni scritto presente sul blog, è la mia “missione”, lo scopo della mia indagine in vista di una futura professione.
Bene, per portare avanti questo compito non mi sento di concentrarmi unicamente sul film di James Cameron, proprio poiché non avrei niente da contrapporre come confronto, per cui mi dedicherò in modo parallelo ad una pellicola “ rivale ”. Nominato agli Oscar nella categoria “ Best Movie ”, tratta di un argomento molto simile ma in maniera del tutto differente, il film in questione è District 9 .

Preferisco trattare con attenzione i due film in due post differenti, per evitare di creare 200 pagine difficili da leggere.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Merilyn Sekova Streaming

... in some cases are not the words ...
... just look in his eyes ...
... and the words will be alone ...
... in the minds of everyone will reach the right words ...
... Sometimes looks can say what words they do not know ...
... you just can not listen to those eyes ...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kawasaki Jet Ski Electrical Problems

To view the movie click on the following link:

Monday, February 22, 2010

Runescape In School How?

A reflection out loud ....
".. we Caniglia volunteers, although we collect droppings every day, clean pee and fences, we are always full of hair and dust, dipped in bowls, buckets of water and dry food, always out of breath a thousand things to do, we are people without culture or knowledge, ignorant people-ignore-in the sense that, people you can tell us all ... we are people with great love for animals .. but we understand very well what is true from what is false .. not We are people you can think of make believe that everything there .. "drink" whatever it is called .. maybe we should think a bit about this ... that being a volunteer of the kennel does not mean that you are only one .. six that too ... but you're much more ... and be a person who loves animals is perhaps a more fabulous ... MORE '! "

Friday, February 12, 2010

Everyday Minerel Swatches

Venetian carnival fritters (fritoe)

To view the movie click on the following link:

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Difference Between Syrofoam And Thermocol

Castagnole my way

To watching the movie click on the following link:

Monday, February 8, 2010

Message Looked Like Spam Smtp

Fiddler on the Roof of the story

use my temporary fixes for the Jewish culture and the need that involves the examination of Musical to talk faster than a film that, although I would bet, I was very impressed, "Fiddler on the Roof [ 1971]

The Russian village of Anatevka is inhabited on the one hand, by a community of Orthodox Christians, and other by a small group of Orthodox Jews. These, as is mentioned once in the prologue, they pretend not to see each other, so as to avoid any kind of discussion and live in peace.

During the film we are presented with the ironic tone of the musical, the daily habits of every person of Jewish religion: time of the sabbath, the choice of the groom by the father for his daughter, the figure of match maker, marriage and the traditional celebrations of the Jewish tradition.

When it comes to Judaism, and talk about it seriously, ignoring the horrors of the Holocaust and all that this nation has endured, we can not discuss the traditions, which today make up much of the imaginary common. What does it mean Tradition?

He explains very well the essay Tevye, the protagonist of the film, in the opening sequence, through a theatrical monologue flavor that definitely breaks the fourth wall, in our case the movie screen, and communicate directly with the viewer, looking into the car and asking rhetorically our opinion on the events of the small Jewish community to which it belongs. The monologue follows the song "Tradition " ironic and masterfully orchestrated by John Williams , which sets to music most of the elements of traditional Jewish Orthodox early twentieth century, highlighting the relationship between different creeds in the frame of small Russian village.

To fully understand the importance of tradition, however, you must specify that the film is set in the early 900 during the first great progressive mobilizations in Tsarist Russia. The progress, therefore, eternally opposed to the tradition . This is the element that allows the action to the film, was to Tevye and his brothers, the situation would remain unchanged forever, life would follow the same routine day after day and everything would be done the same way because it is in that so that has been handed down from fathers' fathers, so that's necessarily the right way to go. Progress disturb the internal peace of the small Jewish community, and slowly trying to dismantle every tradition through the development technique (the new sewing machine), moral (the choices of the three daughters of Tevye opposite the will of the father) and policy (l’esodo dal villaggio).

La vicenda, che ricorda alla lontana la novella “ I Malavoglia ” di Verga , getta un occhio musicale e ironico sulla tragedia di un popolo che è costretto continuamente a muoversi e spostarsi, proprio per colpa della loro incapacità di adattarsi ai mutamenti costanti del mondo. O meglio, per la volontà contraria al progresso, la volontà di mantenimento e la forte convinzione che ogni cosa accade per una ragione.

Questo ultimo anno cinematografico ha permesso a molti esponenti della cultura ebraica di esprimere il loro personale punto of view through the camera. To know more about the board two small beads of dark comedy: Whatever Works [ Whatever Works, 2009] Woody Allen (reviewed by Valerio on this blog) and A Serious Man [ A Serious Man, 2009] Coen Brothers, nominated for two awards Oscar .

To better understand the phenomenon of Judaism and what is left in this futuristic and progressive 2010, you must throw a look back at the history of philosophy and see what they think of famous masters such as Kant and Hegel .

Immanuel Kant, in his famous moral reflection , often reflects on the figure of God (the Jewish tradition) and his Son Jesus through the words of S. Paul Pietist culture from which it borrowed from Kant comes. The importance of innovation is clearly Christian terms ethical , according to the German philosopher, Jesus revolutionized the morality purely law of the Torah with an emphasis on the rational part of our behavior, introducing the concept of reflection and evaluation of actions on the basis of an absolute duty which is not written anywhere, has no object, it is pure rational duty.

Judaism as it is described by Hegel in his lectures on Philosophy of Religion takes shape in the reflection on the history and its continuous change. Tradition is the first moment of consciousness that is objectifying, as always, part of a journey which, not surprisingly, is pursued by Christianity centuries later as a form of tolerance. Christianity is a more modern form, is the story that continues is the upgrade of Judaism. Hold fast to a tradition empty means stop creating meaning and significance simply remember the past, or even repeat in a mechanical way of gestures or rituals that have completely lost its meaning over time, ironically as it is told by Tevye during the first few minutes of the film.

I speak often of "uselessness historical Judaism " but also much talk Nietzsche in The Genealogy of Morals , as this nation's historic inability to protention into the future. This is a reality. Another thing to talk about "futility historic Jewish " which, as we know, has led to quite other consequences.