The latter, however, are those cult films that are maintained over time, are remembered because they mark the life of one who watches them. The experience of the viewer joins the film product creates a strong evento nella coscienza. Vedere un gran film ti cambia, è inevitabile. Non sei più la stessa persona .
Nella prima categoria figura spesso l'attore Jim Carrey . Nella seconda, anche .
Oltre alle stra note doti comiche dell'attore americano, ultimamente abbiamo avuto il piacere di vederlo recitare in alcuni ruoli più profondi, spesso tralasciando anche la venatura divertente.
Per citare qualche titolo : “ The eternal sunshine of the spottless mind ” ; “ The number 23 ” ; “ The Truman Show ” e l'ultimissimo " I Love You, Phillip Morris " , all films of great artistic value upon which I very much hope to be able to linger afterwards (and maybe do it as well). For a purely chronological, though, I'd like to talk about another film that perhaps many have seen but easily overlooked: "Yes, Man!"
This film is a classic example of " middle, a bit 'as it was with Truman Show. It has a side of pure entertainment with some really funny sequences ( "I really like Red Bull!" ) and a basic idea that excites the reflection. Summarizing
at most, this is the story of one man who one day decided to change her life taken as the categorical imperative "is " in every situation imaginable. Wife new imported from abroad? It . Lessons of a useless language? It . Attending a sad Harry Potter themed party? Yes!
No matter WHAT , you must accept.
It's actually very simple as the plot, we might recall the distant " Liar, liar " or " Bruce almighty ", always (in fact) with Jim Carrey in the lead roles, the mode of development of events, although in this case there is no magic background. The decision of character to say "yes" to everything that life has taken it knowingly, forcing its will and way of life radically changing .
This is precisely the key to interpreting the intentions of this film mature. It differs substantively from the classic American comedies paradoxical by the fact that the events are, in a certain way, but nothing out of the ordinary is great. It is not forced by anyone, potrebbe scindere questo patto da un momento all'altro, non c'è nessun elemento esterno che lo obbliga, nessuna fidanzata lo lascia (oddio, in realtà si, però è fondamentale per acquistare la consapevolezza) e nessun bambino conta su di lui per avere nuovamente una famiglia riunita e felice.
Second part fully in the ethical issues that are usually dealt with in my studies in philosophy, in fact, the "step forward" were talking about is very similar to that exercised by the 'phenomenological ethics than Kantian . The merit of Husserl , father of phenomenology, in its "Lessons of formal ethics" , was to give meaning to existence. To fill again the content of moral action.
does not make sense say yes to everything, that you understand very well the adventures / misadventures of Carl. And 'only the first step, however crucial to the openness to life, but you must complete this experience and become involved in their choices to the end, without being blinded by a principle, as "good" might be. I'm also talking of holy wars, fundamentalism and all those doctrines which close their eyes open instead of permanently.
The ethics of choice is the film's end, as the final appearance of a long and arduous process that involves a strong-willed character that even a seemingly inept, like Carl is able to convey.
Jim Carrey, as always, manages to make us laugh (and long) but this time we talk about ourselves and how you can change without letting go. We report a sequence (please click!) , really funny, where the protagonist is being scolded just always been a "living dead .
Nella prima categoria figura spesso l'attore Jim Carrey . Nella seconda, anche .
Oltre alle stra note doti comiche dell'attore americano, ultimamente abbiamo avuto il piacere di vederlo recitare in alcuni ruoli più profondi, spesso tralasciando anche la venatura divertente.
Per citare qualche titolo : “ The eternal sunshine of the spottless mind ” ; “ The number 23 ” ; “ The Truman Show ” e l'ultimissimo " I Love You, Phillip Morris " , all films of great artistic value upon which I very much hope to be able to linger afterwards (and maybe do it as well). For a purely chronological, though, I'd like to talk about another film that perhaps many have seen but easily overlooked: "Yes, Man!"
at most, this is the story of one man who one day decided to change her life taken as the categorical imperative "is " in every situation imaginable. Wife new imported from abroad? It . Lessons of a useless language? It . Attending a sad Harry Potter themed party? Yes!
No matter WHAT , you must accept.
It's actually very simple as the plot, we might recall the distant " Liar, liar " or " Bruce almighty ", always (in fact) with Jim Carrey in the lead roles, the mode of development of events, although in this case there is no magic background. The decision of character to say "yes" to everything that life has taken it knowingly, forcing its will and way of life radically changing .
This is precisely the key to interpreting the intentions of this film mature. It differs substantively from the classic American comedies paradoxical by the fact that the events are, in a certain way, but nothing out of the ordinary is great. It is not forced by anyone, potrebbe scindere questo patto da un momento all'altro, non c'è nessun elemento esterno che lo obbliga, nessuna fidanzata lo lascia (oddio, in realtà si, però è fondamentale per acquistare la consapevolezza) e nessun bambino conta su di lui per avere nuovamente una famiglia riunita e felice.
- Il protagonista prende in mano le redini della sua vita inconsapevole e, per viverla al meglio, si basa su un concetto , un'idea, seguendola ciecamente in un primo periodo, per poi interiorizzarla completamente in un secondo momento. Il “si” rientra nella definizione kantiana del termine “ formale ” indicando la modalità (accettare sempre) ma mai il content of the action to be taken, which varies in each case. This first moment of the life of Carl coincides with the first half of the film, where the protagonist makes the fundamental decision to become a YES MAN (away from its current state of NO MAN ) without even knowing what it is precisely because it requires a change of perspective.
- The second phase involves, instead, a reflection by the person who performs the action. There is more than blind allegiance to the ideal, why this was demolished by the words "guru" of the film (the founder of the Yes Man ) so that even the imperative smette di essere categorico e viene, finalmente, posto sul piano del dubbio . Avviene in questo modo quel passo avanti che, a mio avviso, è fondamentale per comprendere il grande apporto “ benefico ” di questo film verso chi lo guarda. Carl accetta le possibilità dell'esistenza ponendosi in maniera positiva verso di questa, senza accettare tutto inconsapevolmente, ma neanche rifiutando ogni novità che gli viene suggerita. Ora lui ha le capacità per valutare il meglio all'interno di una situazione. Il “Si” è ormai parte di lui, non ha più bisogno di imporsi sulla sua volontà, perché questa si è automaticamente conformata al si.
Carl ha detto “ si alla vita ” così come ci consiglia Nietzsche , ha ascoltato la sua volontà e ne ha fatto potenza .
Second part fully in the ethical issues that are usually dealt with in my studies in philosophy, in fact, the "step forward" were talking about is very similar to that exercised by the 'phenomenological ethics than Kantian . The merit of Husserl , father of phenomenology, in its "Lessons of formal ethics" , was to give meaning to existence. To fill again the content of moral action.
does not make sense say yes to everything, that you understand very well the adventures / misadventures of Carl. And 'only the first step, however crucial to the openness to life, but you must complete this experience and become involved in their choices to the end, without being blinded by a principle, as "good" might be. I'm also talking of holy wars, fundamentalism and all those doctrines which close their eyes open instead of permanently.
The ethics of choice is the film's end, as the final appearance of a long and arduous process that involves a strong-willed character that even a seemingly inept, like Carl is able to convey.
Jim Carrey, as always, manages to make us laugh (and long) but this time we talk about ourselves and how you can change without letting go. We report a sequence (please click!) , really funny, where the protagonist is being scolded just always been a "living dead .