I like to see comedies, maybe I also mentioned a couple of times.
Not only do I like to laugh, but laughter is accompanied by a reflection it becomes really interesting.
sifting through the recent filmography of some of the most important actors comedians of this period it turned out a film of 2009: Funny People . Many of my friends had seen him, I had also tried to do it but after a while I was bored. Maybe it was the right time.
fact is that I picked up the DVD and I have concentrated on these two hours of American comedy, what I found? not only a comedy but a film about the comic .
Ok, in short, as always, we make this part of the "plot " something quick and painless so anyone who wants to see the film can easily do it without thinking " MH, Gray Spoilerati me everything that I see him do? "
seems too simple a thing trivial, maybe you'll wonder at the end of the film he recovers and finds a nice girlfriend to live happily ever after. It would be trivial if the tram stop where I've told, in reality, this series of events culminating in the first half of the film. In my opinion, however, the second half is so heavy (because it seems like something "more") as to be boring, despite the conclusion of a plot with some interesting developments.
no longer speak of events, now we start to dig .
What role does the comedy in this film? Sandler says in the final " Comedy Usually, is for funny people. " But it's always like this?
From what can be seen from history, George just as Ira, was a funny person. The opening sequence of the film is a collage of a series of homemade videos of young Adam Sandler during his debut on MTV or SNL. This shows that camera or not, he was a talented guy who does not miss an opportunity to make jokes or jokes, inventing characters and absurd situations, to laugh and make others laugh. This is be entertaining and fun. The comedy is another story. George becomes a comedian when you sell industry laughter and becomes the star of films some embarrassing from the point of view quality. Almost like our cinepanettoni.
The difference between " comedy" and "funny people " We've faced since the beginning of the film, because, due to its lack of enthusiasm, George uses the talent of young and creative Ira to be reborn. It feeds his surprise at every new situation and the desire to continue playing this game even to get a space of two minutes on a big stage.
A second element that allows us to divide these two aspects of comedy is the testimony of the character played by Eric Bana , who had the big bias about George environment, as an idiot, claiming its character from the movies to which he lent his face. Once you know better and spent a night with him will change his mind, he is actually a "nice person" and remains so despite his career.
The comedian by profession loses the aura of comedy, as Walter Benjamin would say , and surrenders himself to the technical reproduction of laughter. A mechanical process, devoid of any originality and historical value.
This dualism seems very clear due to the presence of the disease that afflicts the protagonist. At a time when George recovers from this (always saying it could return at any moment all'altro) capiamo bene che qualcosa è cambiato anche nel suo modo di vedere le cose. Il George malato è il commediante privo di comicità, quello sano è la “persona simpatica” che di mestiere si diverte a far ridere la gente. Possiamo dire che riesce a guarire proprio grazie alle “cure” di Ira, talmente affezionato a lui che lo accompagna fino al momento di andare a dormire e continua a stargli vicino anche mentre dorme.
La comicità (e l'amicizia in questo caso) è la migliore medicina, questo film ce lo dimostra in più occasioni. Concludo citando la divertente sequenza (che non riesco a trovare su Youtube!) dove George e Ira prendono in giro il medico dall'accento svedese, trasformando una drammatica visita ospedaliera ad un malato quasi terminale in una comica che si conclude, appunto, con l'affermazione del medico verso Geroge : “ You're a funny man”.
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