prankster From the title you'll see that for a "task at home, I was forced by circumstances to see below Hostel and Hostel 2 the brave Eli Roth, the visionary of the new gore that has been working for some year or so under the wing of Quentin Tarantino godfather.
The horror genre that attracts the audiences and this is not a mystery, especially for professionals. The mystery is why like it so much. Think. You fear to draw us to the movies? The jolt from the chair, or the horror in front of mutilated bodies? What we like in sorrow?
Hostel exemplifies us, like any self-respecting horror film, the dynamics of the spectator in the cinema watching a horror movie. This film, like its sequel, and like many other similar films, is part of a particular genre that saw its birth and its development over the last decade: the Torture Porn . You wonder, that has to do with the porn ? They could not call it torture movie? Oh no. Got to do all right for two different reasons.
- The first of content (ie those events recounted in the film) is that the scenes of torture affiancante are often explicit scenes of sex . There could not be more appropriate than Hostel film to highlight this fact, the plot is basically divided into two parts. In the first American students in enjoy holiday in Amsterdam between drugs and sex, in the second, of wealthy entrepreneurs from around the world have fun with the students, including saws and drills.
- This leads us to the second argument of the term torture porn, the formal , ie enjoyment. The students made merry, the killers try the forbidden pleasure of the blood and the viewer, in turn, feels excited to follow the vicissitudes of the protagonists and erotic at the same time their tragic end. You could exaggerate and say that horror is nothing but a branch of porn, especially in its contemporary meaning of torture porn. Even though, Hostel, there is a discrepancy, probably wanted by Roth, the rest of the genre does not happen.
Another example. The vampire has always been a universal symbol of horror, from Dracula of Browning with Bela Lugosi . This character is characterized by his fantastic imagination live on the edge between life and death and has always done so through a mixture of seduction and violence against his victims. The haunting eyes, the kiss on the neck and the bite are elements that are in the balance between sex and death, eros and thanatos . Freud find bread for his teeth to read the novel of the Irish Bram Stoker Count on Transylvania's most famous .
the filmic representation of the vampire (I also remember Murnau's Nosferatu , where everything is much more subtle and expressionistic staging is brilliantly) the grain " porn" horror film remains hidden, not to betray its origin, and is never made explicit as in the latest Twilight or television series True Blood .
Oh, Grey's got with Twilight! Do not have with Twilight, indeed, I believe that in the operation of "exhume "the vampire have made the center. The film (and literature in this case) evolves, times change and vampire movies in style Anne Rice there are plenty of them. Those in the saga of Meyer represent what is empty and the superficial world of adolescents of this period, the struggle between two mythological creatures such as vampires and werewolves, full of symbolism and mysticism of the past, it resolves the issue of love between Bella and equipped with two cute lovers abdominal carved (and brilliant) and tufts emo. How would
Eddie Vedder : It's evolution, baby ! And our eye Digger must keep pace with the times.
PS: If you want a laugh, check out the trailer below. Sums up my speech a few minutes and represents it in a way damn better: D Lesbian Vampire Killers . Enjoy!
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