Matrix . Everyone has seen the Matrix!
Not all, however, liked the Matrix. In terms of social phenomenon is certainly more important than Avatar , but despite this, earned much less at the box office.
Let in the shoes of Wachowski, two brothers grew up together in the same house with those same friends and hobbies. Read comics, watch cartoons on TV, playing D & D. Exceptional real nerd! Working in pairs is never a walk, but two minds as their can only be an asset. There is no contrast, it is as if the same person had twice the creativity and inventiveness. For the uninitiated, the Wachowskis ( Larry and Andy ) is the mastermind behind The Matrix, have written the story, the screenplay and took the reins of direction, once the project has officially landed on the set .
Without going the details of particular sequences, as we will in the future, the film reveals two basic elements: the action film and reflective film. This dual structure is from the AC shared cultural background of the brothers, especially of Japanese.
who, like myself, is passionate souls have surely seen Akira and Ghost in the Shell , two of the greatest masterpieces of animation Japan. The peculiarity of both products, in addition to their futuristic steampunk (for instance, that "the Blade Runner ) che li accomuna, sono le tematiche di rilevanza sociale che vengono alternate a sequenze di grande azione, come le corse in motocicletta di Akira ed i combattimenti di arti marziali.
In Matrix vediamo trasportati gli stessi elementi e le stesse tematiche. Le inquadrature ed i movimenti di camera sono propri della tecnica fumettistica cartacea e della più recente animazione e le sequenze dialogate sembrano estrapolate da un saggio di Baudrillard . Tral'altro, non soddisfatti del tutto, dopo la premiere di Matrix in Giappone, i Wachowski hanno collaborato con alcuni tra i più prestigiosi studi di animazione e hanno prodotto Animatrix , un piccolo gioiellino composto from 9 animated short films which will be discussed very soon.
All this may seem unnatural, from a certain point of view. Many did not appreciate the film because they thought " is neither meat nor fish ", people who came in the room for a philosophical film were disappointed by the special effects and the fighting, while those who entered only for the explosions and the beautiful babes have not found satisfaction, falling asleep in mid-film. The reality is that the film will not be defined within a particular genre, as well as Japanese animation that often is misunderstood quando esca dai suo confini d'origine, ma sfrutta quella tecnica tutta contemporanea del citazionismo per attingere da determinati modelli ma creando un prodotto nuovo ed unitario.
Cambiamo argomento per un secondo, parliamo di Tarantino .
Kill Bill . In molti lo hanno visto e, come per Matrix, in molti lo hanno snobbato o non compreso.
“Tarantino è un copione”, l'ho sentito milioni di volte da bocche inesperte di cinema che, seppur non capendo una virgola di grammatica filmica hanno apprezzato la pellicola (perché comunque Kill Bill è un film “attraente”, basta pensare che vi è una women as protagonists.)
The background of the two authors is different, if the Wachowskis grew up with Marvel Comics and robottoni on television, Tarantino has remained with one foot in the States and one in the world thanks to television. Kung fu movies, horror series B, spaghetti westerns, all that sort of counterculture that, thanks to him, today is also appreciated in the academic field.
series and the Matrix series and Kill Bill are not too different from the formal point of view. The quotations and technical content that bring a new message and do not just play a mannerist films of the 80s or an old cartoon.
Returning to our matrix, we perceive the entire duration of the film (I speak still of the first film), a wave of progress, always with an eye to the past. As the 'Angelus Novus of Paul Klee , taken from Benjamin in his essay "On the concept of history " flies in the future with the messianic hope of a revolution and a change from the rubble of the past Neo summarized in the figure of the One this messianic expectation, and this revolution (Marxist) in the world of the future.
The same technique patented bullet-time in the famous opening sequence and kept alive and agent for the rest of the trilogy, is a step forward for world cinema. It is not only an improvement of special effects, but a new way of conceiving the action film, just as today, after only ten years, Avatar has changed the standard once again.
As is rich in the Matrix trilogy, I could devote an entire blog just to his analysis! But I do not think that's the case ... all for today!
Ps: Mr. Andy Wachowski is now ... hem ... Miss Lana Wachowski: D
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