The friend who now is a great journalist writes: collects, studies, crosses, and then writes - not an amateur like me spewing jet after thoughts of the facts tomato eyes on the sites of counter. For this, as they say, and gladly receive his public this piece chain, which I think is a great way to go about Berlusconi without repetition, as risks of failing to make the verve of a Michele Serra or stature Giorgio Bocca, a . They are sad days, in which he struck the Cayman perhaps the final blow to democracy Representative demonstrating that even a deputy, or rather two of the largest party in parliament to the opposition left can simply be bought, to kids who have firsthand experience that if something can still buy it with the money Dad, when and how many have. Sad days, in which these children are deprived of even cleverly cossighiana voice, all right to demonstrate their displeasure, even reproached by the end Anticamorra pedantic writer for whom I have always had an instinctive distrust me becoming increasingly clear.
then so be a look out over the garden, Berlusconeide seen from the other - World Bank, Reporters Without Borders, Transparency International, Fraser Institute, Institute for Economics and Peace and World Economic Forum - that our clumsy and fascist Italy is hopelessly rejected. Pussy apart, of course ...
article Stelio Fantan
are now coming to the celebrations for the transit of the era of Alfa to that of the Dragon (plural). In short, it is time to take the money and make the honor due to the tireless Executive, not philosophize or reflect, in a profile where it holds your hand typing that marked the seasons of the center of government. Therefore, we review the results of doing Berlusconi. Let's start the economy. A soil dominated this, indeed, tainted by the malicious release, from the comments of economists steeped in pessimism and, finally, from decision makers, such as the number one Bank of Italy, weighted by numerical anxieties that mask and obscure the resounding success of BerluscTer centered in two years. As well explained, however, and recalled, with a wealth of reports, from MinzulPop, a new version of the ancient 3.D Tg1, the flagship Rai once devoted to the beatification of anything done in centrosinistralandia made.
Homo sapiens Homo domesticus
Anyway, back to the numbers. The GDP , that the wealth produced annually by the country is still, in a state of hibernation. In practice, Italy is transiting the Great Depression to the Great Recession, vestibule of a future Great stagnation. A number of indicators suggest it is. First, the deficit for some time now that dance around all'asticella 5 percent, showing no signs of regained fitness. Going beyond the swing of deficit we encounter in the load of debt , firm in November 2010 to share 1.844miliardi in practice 178miliardi euro more than 1.665miliardi with whom he had closed in 2008 he had captured the onset of BerluscTer. Staying at the numbers, so taking into account the MinzulPop, in just 19 months on average each individual taxpayer, sono all’incirca 40milioni, pensionati inclusi, ha visto riversarsi sul futuro delle proprie tasche 4450 euro di nuovi debiti, non di maggiori risorse né di ambita liquidità, visti i tempi, ma di passività aggiuntive, e persino autocelebrate. E’ forse per ovviare a questa criticità imprevista che, sempre nel corso del 2009, e 2010, il BerluscTer ha fatto in modo di restituire 400mila lavoratori allo stato di disoccupazione . Su questo capitolo, considerando l’interezza dei mesi di governo dell’attuale esecutivo non è affatto azzardato indicare in mezzo milione di nuovi disoccupati il risultato dell’azione del fare.
Ma l’economia, come abbiamo già accennato, è sotto scacco da parte dell’esercito dei pessimisti a oltranza. Quindi, passiamo a considerare altri dati che guardano più alla qualità e ai contenuti piuttosto che alla freddezza d’un pil peraltro ibernato. Per esempio, parliamo del tasso di corruzione che il Transparency International pubblica ogni anno. Nel corso dell’anno passato, e rispetto al 2009, le posizioni perdute sono state 8. Il Paese, quindi, è scivolato in 63esima posizione. Niente male, un successo.
A sproposito del disfare
Peraltro, bissato dalla 80sima posizione, cioè 4 posti in meno, centrata nella graduatoria del doing business compiled annually by the World Bank. A result of this grotesque for a government that has voted that the company and, in fact, seems increasingly to relegate the corner, so as to be rejected, in its making, the World Bank itself, not from the International Socialist. A not-doing business and economic reporting by the Fraser Institute also, influential champion of economic conservatism all'antiburocratismo voted in Anglo-Saxon style right. In this case, the index of economic freedom , released annually by the Institute, takes place at 68simo BerluscTer of Italy, or as many as 12 steps lower performance compared to 2008. Yet another confirmation of the economic unraveling that distinguishes the current Government? Difficult to answer, considering the repeated intelligence world conspiracies hatched against our government. So let the dark room of the economy, real swamp, and pass on to consider other areas. Moreover, by many, including those trappings of the current team that leads the country, hath been often expressed the need to assess quality indicators, not just economic, to express an overall opinion on the state of a country, especially the beautiful country.
. ... Long live peace, down with the war
Then we take the charts Institute for Economics and Peace. In the field there is no shadow of doubt, we are a country at war and, above all, we are open ground to civil conflicts. We are a peaceful country, indeed, reminds us Tg1 MinzulPop version, we are a fundamentally peaceful where harmony reigns, thanks to BerluscTer course. Scroll down the list of hopeful Global Peace Index and, surprisingly, we discover of being portrayed in 40th position. Again a slip, -16 compared to 2008. Better than we do, in Europe, Hungary and Slovakia, Member stranota pair for their institutional sway. Let's leave the Old Continent and, yes has a depressing effect, a sort of reverse placebo. The GPI, in fact, reveals to us that are considered more stable and harmonious, besides peaceful and legaiola Berlusconi of Italy, in order, Botswana, Malaysia and .... Vietnam. And 'here on the brink of depression that the reader will stop and turn the page.
intimate community
fact, it passes quickly to observe the charts Reporters Without Borders. On this ground we should not be rivals, with the onset of Tg1 MinzulPop version, a champion of press freedom and maximum information as health-conscious who do not bow. But, down 5 positions, since 2008. Oggi, quindi, siamo in 49esima, a braccetto con il Burkina Faso ma, evviva, un gradino sopra El Salvador.
Ce l’hanno con B
Com’è possibile? Scivoliamo ovunque. E’ ovvio, l’indicatore sull’armonia e la pace italiana è monopolio della sinistra estrema. Sbagliato. L’Istituto che lo cura elabora le indicazioni provenienti dal mondo accademico internazionale e dai think tank più spostati nell’area del conservatorismo. Per di più le somme finali sono tirate sotto la supervisione dell’ Economist Intelligence Unit , braccio operativo dell’Economist, a sua volta Bibbia della conservazione anglosassone.
Eppur moves
then return to the economy, the World Economic Forum to observe that in terms of gender gap, that is, inequality between the sexes, we have gained as many as 17 positions. Finally, we determined comeback. Here is a clear indication of policy making. We are climbing positions in the pyramid of the differences between the sexes, and bridge the gap for decades, indeed centuries, have relegated to the tail of our country. How are we getting these results? Who knows, maybe dozens of young people applying for letters, models, letteronze, women's image and ex-escort, some for the truth in action learning, in the destination list, alternatively, to open the doors and the seats of municipal councils, provincial and regional halls of parliament, with the attachment of the European Parliament, etc ... .. I wonder.
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