Thursday, December 30, 2010

Back Door Shove-it Yahoo Pool

I did not want to write again Giancarlo Fornari, because I have his voice inside that asks me to look forward and yells at me because I have not ready money on that piece that I had to publish later this year but returned to the office I found the mailbox piena di messaggi incrociati tra tutti coloro che hanno avuto il privilegio di lavorare con lui in quella stagione pionieristica per la comunicazione pubblica che aveva in lui uno dei suoi artefici principali. Non ne riporto il contenuto, anche perché è facilmente immaginabile, ma noto che si tratta di un caso rarissimo in cui un dirigente viene ricordato con affetto da "sottoposti" oggi così distanti per territorio e/o scelta professionale. Al saluto di Paolo Tenaglia era allegato il bellissimo video di Peter Gabriel che trovate in fondo, scelta azzeccatissima. Prima, l'ultimo saluto a Giancarlo lo lascio alle significative e toccanti parole di lui stesso, pubblicate quando stava benissimo (lo preciso solo perché ciò evita di misunderstand the meaning) web Liberauscita :

Prayer for the Man-Tree
(If and when I am no longer me)
Giancarlo Fornari

Thanks for giving me a second youth
thanks for loving me thank you for reading, playing and talking with me
of everything that interests you and I'm interested
thanks for running with me
to walk with me
the shadows of the woods or hills
colored brooms
thanks to embrace
to make love to me
with the body and heart
to climb up with me as a glider
raised by a warm current
growing up
to tire. And thanks for
when I older than you I can not run anymore
I weakened
I can no longer follow
more tired I find it hard to love
thanks for being with me to support me
to let me put to you because I know that life with
me is not just sex
not just run and play
life is just a smile, a caress, a word
and these will always be able to give them to you
too old.
But if and when I'm gone I
when old age or a dark evil
tore me away from me when something mysterious and unfathomable
I will divide into two
(my soul and my mind my heart forever
projected spaces
my motionless body on a wheelchair) when
reduced tree
I can not even smile at you because I figure most
what are you and what am I
then, we love
I do thank you for what you do
for the Man-Man-Tree
gross body
pure matter without soul light
without a smile that will
my name but I am no longer me.
I, my love, while you sacrifice one thing for
I will be elsewhere
I a walk in the clouds will be on top
to see the sun rise over the
I Sciliar
playing with a hang-gliding, I
to meditate in a cave Egadi.
I, my love, I
in the books I've read and what I've written
in memory of the people I have met and
have loved me in the eyes of my daughters will
I'll be in your heart
anywhere except in that there
stand where I do not recognize
and that it will not
nothing to do with me.
So please, my love, I speak seriously
not want to sacrifice
especially if unnecessary.
When you see that I no longer
just keep me in your memory, do not store
for statistical purposes.
not help me survive
deprived of everything that makes me human
even if you say that God's will.
But if God could love me do this and if
is the same God who has chosen and carefully planned the Holocaust
organizing the massacres
plagues and scourges that afflicted this world
only "to put to the test"
and "make his providential design"
is not a good God
and probably not not a God but only the projection
their poor minds
and you must not listen.
Listen, please, only your heart and mine.
Find the strength in you to help me. Take me with you
last trip to a country where good
understand that Men-Men-tree
though they can not express
want to die
not want to be forced to live a life of
rock and tree
no offense
respectable for these entities in the universe.
And you, my love, do not take my mourning
not be sad because my
know that we will meet someday
perhaps a life either processed in two butterflies
or maybe in two swallows fly together
on up to the heavens
and we will have little more to feed the hungry
insects and night we will love the dark
in our nest of straw
with the heart and body
to tire.
Love if you love me
kill me.

Put these words in comparison with the misery of those who choose to establish a "national day for the vegetative state" on the anniversary of the day in which the will of Eluana itself was finally fulfilled after 17 years ( here Micromega 's appeal instead to make the National Day of free choice over their own lives ), and you have a vague idea of \u200b\u200bstellar distance between the size of the giant who left us and that of dwarfs (some even the same age) in apparent good health but still allows you to rage and grieve.
And now the floor to Peter Gabriel is best ...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Honey Mustard Nutrition


I wanted to leave several days earlier at the top of the article, why death Giancarlo left me, left us in many (this the greeting on Fiscooggi , the online magazine that created in 2001 by a small team of people, including myself) without any other words and thoughts and not those which concern him. But first I have his voice in to encourage us to look forward to continue groped to empty the sea with a teaspoon of the words of ignorance in which you try to drown us all, on the other I ran on Facebook in a note to my friend's Luciana Ognibene that from the title (and then read it not just from that) seemed to almost demand to be posted here immediately after the greeting to the ' man who flies . As the share so that it can fully subscribe to, with your permission to the public, taking advantage of its site to report Vizio creative at all, to learn more about what makes this woman of quality. Where as I intend to what I reported in this old post : among other things, doing things so well that nobody from outside can tell if you are serious or play.
little thought for the consumption of those who have a dream, by one that seeks to achieve its feet without stepping on to the next.
I was taught that will is power.
Did they tell you that to make a dream come true, you really believe . You were taught that if
really want something, then you can get.
It's not that is true.
If you have a dream, you got to believe, you have to defend, you have to be desired.
Without these assumptions, your dream is still there where: gathering dust in a drawer.
What they forgot to tell you, that is not enough to want .
is not enough to jump into the fray and hope it goes well.
If you want to fly, make sure you have strong enough wings before making the jump.
Yes, I want you, you got to believe and you have to fight. But first you
study both.
And make you a deck that never ends.
and have the humility to accept criticism.
The maturity to recognize your limits.
And do not expect that someone else might do homework at home for you.
There are no shortcuts, no Bignami: there is "only" work hard .
Changing your name on Facebook to " John Doe" to "Mario Rossi Fireman", and distribute business cards to your neighborhood, does not make you a fireman, and if you do not know how it works and not a tanker Have you ever used a fire hose, probably valid at the first opportunity ... you're gonna burn, and ugly.
be short of opportunities is not pleasant, but there is something worse.
To have the opportunity, and not ready: this is the worst that can happen .
Sorry I'm not small and not innocent outburst, is that they are particularly intolerant of those who call themselves "graphic" and makes business cards with Photoshop, those who want to make the "programmer" and makes the websites with Word, who poses as "photographer" and does not know how to use a studio flash ... in short, those looking for a shortcut to everything that I and a few other fools we have invested time and money just to study, study, study and try to figure it out. I do not have with you, I swear. I'm saying this for your own good: study, study, study.
Sincerely, Lu
NB Comments and thoughts are always welcome, do not be shy. Non sono cattiva: è che mi disegnano così (©J. Rabbit)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Panasonic Tripod Parts


Ci sono uomini che seguono le piste altrui e ci sono uomini che le tracciano. Giancarlo Fornari era uno di questi ultimi. Tra i primi in Italia a parlare di comunicazione pubblica e a capovolgere il rapporto tra cittadino e PA, fu tra gli artefici dello Statuto del Contribuente, fondò il primo sito internet di una pubblica amministrazione italiana, poi la prima rivista on-line di un'amministrazione pubblica al mondo, poi - "chissà perchè" giubilato a dispetto di proclami pubblici di segno contrario - anzichè "godersi la pensione" si mise a insegnare all'università e fondò one of the first magazines to counter, while in his free time he gave the first glider and then climbing, already seventy. This
only in the path of his life that is entwined with mine, first he spoke hardly ever: he was a man looks into the future, and this was just one of the things you taught by example if you were next. I chose from among his colleagues by mistake when I attended a working meeting of the above site, rewarding what before I watch what I the curriculum ( Fromm is not just theory), and since then I wanted at his side at all these "adventures." This blog was created as a valve relief when he was forced to slow down for the first time on Contrappunti , then resumed with the usual force until last April, with the last piece of my alter ego who died with him.
President LiberaUscita , the Italian association for the decriminalization of euthanasia and living wills, was forced into an outlet not in his style from the disease, but did not last long and do not complain later. One of the reasons why we agnostics can not admit the existence of a god is because otherwise her life seems to be a macabre joke. This is why we try to live it as you should live a long journey towards a goal, any that I know the North Pole: the thing that is less interested in coming, the attention is focused on the route, the things that meetings, milestones, people who share with you a stretch of road.
I made a movie in the eye while launching parachute already "old" Giancarlo, who exhibited the same and showed an enthusiasm and an attitude as a boy. slight man who always flies land , hello my friend.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Pinky Browny Discharge Day Of Period


Never loved Christmas, and not because I do not have faith if I just hate it, what party consumer par excellence. And 'I can not stand the hypocrisy. I do not like Christmas trees, and not because they are basically stati la prima di tante tradizioni importate come Halloween o inventate dai pubblicitari come Santa Klaus. E' che quelli veri sono un delitto e quelli finti una tristezza. E non amo la computer graphic, e pur usando un pc per lavoro e uno per diletto non ho mai giocato a un videogioco più avanzato di campo minato, poi per eccesso di politically correct divenuto prato fiorito. E' che proprio più sofisticati sono meno mi divertono.
Ma questo alberello di Natale che mi ha mandato Gemma Serena è proprio carino, realizzato come facevano i pionieri della grafica con le stampanti ad aghi. Su un testo, poi, di uno dei più grandi scrittori italiani contemporanei, Italo Calvino, tratto da un suo riuscitissimo romanzo degli anni 70 che è A prototype of the modern logical hypertext. Thank you, Gemma, and best wishes to you all.

What From
Tanto Tempo
you plan
Di Reading,
Books that for years
Search without finding them,
Books That
to anything Cui
you busy at this time
Books That
Want to keep them at range
hand for any eventuality,
Books That
You may put aside to read them
Maybe This Summer
Books that
you are missing for it with other books in your Shelves
Books That
you inspire a Sudden Curiosity, frenetic and not clearly explained
I was able to reduce the unlimited number of forces in the field
but still calculable in a finite number,
although this relative relief
you are set up by the ambush
books' Long Ago
it's time to reread
and books You Always
pretended to have them Beds
It Now While You
decide to actually read.

by Italo Calvino
If a winter's night a traveler

Monday, December 20, 2010

What Happened To Javtalk?


The friend who now is a great journalist writes: collects, studies, crosses, and then writes - not an amateur like me spewing jet after thoughts of the facts tomato eyes on the sites of counter. For this, as they say, and gladly receive his public this piece chain, which I think is a great way to go about Berlusconi without repetition, as risks of failing to make the verve of a Michele Serra or stature Giorgio Bocca, a . They are sad days, in which he struck the Cayman perhaps the final blow to democracy Representative demonstrating that even a deputy, or rather two of the largest party in parliament to the opposition left can simply be bought, to kids who have firsthand experience that if something can still buy it with the money Dad, when and how many have. Sad days, in which these children are deprived of even cleverly cossighiana voice, all right to demonstrate their displeasure, even reproached by the end Anticamorra pedantic writer for whom I have always had an instinctive distrust me becoming increasingly clear.
then so be a look out over the garden, Berlusconeide seen from the other - World Bank, Reporters Without Borders, Transparency International, Fraser Institute, Institute for Economics and Peace and World Economic Forum - that our clumsy and fascist Italy is hopelessly rejected. Pussy apart, of course ...
article Stelio Fantan

The economy, the GDP, the deficit and debt are becoming obsolete, old trappings that measured the countries that existed in multitudes statistics, but not on tables of families. So here's the news. The Government will evaluate now through the Gender Gap, that is, observing the distance, inequality and bridge the differences that are recovered and during the year are treated in the way the two sexes, men and women. Here is where the BerluscTer has primacy. Why? It 's another story.
are now coming to the celebrations for the transit of the era of Alfa to that of the Dragon (plural). In short, it is time to take the money and make the honor due to the tireless Executive, not philosophize or reflect, in a profile where it holds your hand typing that marked the seasons of the center of government. Therefore, we review the results of doing Berlusconi. Let's start the economy. A soil dominated this, indeed, tainted by the malicious release, from the comments of economists steeped in pessimism and, finally, from decision makers, such as the number one Bank of Italy, weighted by numerical anxieties that mask and obscure the resounding success of BerluscTer centered in two years. As well explained, however, and recalled, with a wealth of reports, from MinzulPop, a new version of the ancient 3.D Tg1, the flagship Rai once devoted to the beatification of anything done in centrosinistralandia made.
Homo sapiens Homo domesticus
Anyway, back to the numbers. The GDP , that the wealth produced annually by the country is still, in a state of hibernation. In practice, Italy is transiting the Great Depression to the Great Recession, vestibule of a future Great stagnation. A number of indicators suggest it is. First, the deficit for some time now that dance around all'asticella 5 percent, showing no signs of regained fitness. Going beyond the swing of deficit we encounter in the load of debt , firm in November 2010 to share 1.844miliardi in practice 178miliardi euro more than 1.665miliardi with whom he had closed in 2008 he had captured the onset of BerluscTer. Staying at the numbers, so taking into account the MinzulPop, in just 19 months on average each individual taxpayer, sono all’incirca 40milioni, pensionati inclusi, ha visto riversarsi sul futuro delle proprie tasche 4450 euro di nuovi debiti, non di maggiori risorse né di ambita liquidità, visti i tempi, ma di passività aggiuntive, e persino autocelebrate. E’ forse per ovviare a questa criticità imprevista che, sempre nel corso del 2009, e 2010, il BerluscTer ha fatto in modo di restituire 400mila lavoratori allo stato di disoccupazione . Su questo capitolo, considerando l’interezza dei mesi di governo dell’attuale esecutivo non è affatto azzardato indicare in mezzo milione di nuovi disoccupati il risultato dell’azione del fare.
 Ma l’economia, come abbiamo già accennato, è sotto scacco da parte dell’esercito dei pessimisti a oltranza. Quindi, passiamo a considerare altri dati che guardano più alla qualità e ai contenuti piuttosto che alla freddezza d’un pil peraltro ibernato. Per esempio, parliamo del tasso di corruzione che il Transparency International pubblica ogni anno. Nel corso dell’anno passato, e rispetto al 2009, le posizioni perdute sono state 8. Il Paese, quindi, è scivolato in 63esima posizione. Niente male, un successo.
A sproposito del disfare
Peraltro, bissato dalla 80sima posizione, cioè 4 posti in meno, centrata nella graduatoria del doing business compiled annually by the World Bank. A result of this grotesque for a government that has voted that the company and, in fact, seems increasingly to relegate the corner, so as to be rejected, in its making, the World Bank itself, not from the International Socialist. A not-doing business and economic reporting by the Fraser Institute also, influential champion of economic conservatism all'antiburocratismo voted in Anglo-Saxon style right. In this case, the index of economic freedom , released annually by the Institute, takes place at 68simo BerluscTer of Italy, or as many as 12 steps lower performance compared to 2008. Yet another confirmation of the economic unraveling that distinguishes the current Government? Difficult to answer, considering the repeated intelligence world conspiracies hatched against our government. So let the dark room of the economy, real swamp, and pass on to consider other areas. Moreover, by many, including those trappings of the current team that leads the country, hath been often expressed the need to assess quality indicators, not just economic, to express an overall opinion on the state of a country, especially the beautiful country.
. ... Long live peace, down with the war
Then we take the charts Institute for Economics and Peace. In the field there is no shadow of doubt, we are a country at war and, above all, we are open ground to civil conflicts. We are a peaceful country, indeed, reminds us Tg1 MinzulPop version, we are a fundamentally peaceful where harmony reigns, thanks to BerluscTer course. Scroll down the list of hopeful Global Peace Index and, surprisingly, we discover of being portrayed in 40th position. Again a slip, -16 compared to 2008. Better than we do, in Europe, Hungary and Slovakia, Member stranota pair for their institutional sway. Let's leave the Old Continent and, yes has a depressing effect, a sort of reverse placebo. The GPI, in fact, reveals to us that are considered more stable and harmonious, besides peaceful and legaiola Berlusconi of Italy, in order, Botswana, Malaysia and .... Vietnam. And 'here on the brink of depression that the reader will stop and turn the page.
intimate community
fact, it passes quickly to observe the charts Reporters Without Borders. On this ground we should not be rivals, with the onset of Tg1 MinzulPop version, a champion of press freedom and maximum information as health-conscious who do not bow. But, down 5 positions, since 2008. Oggi, quindi, siamo in 49esima, a braccetto con il Burkina Faso ma, evviva, un gradino sopra El Salvador.
Ce l’hanno con B
Com’è possibile? Scivoliamo ovunque. E’ ovvio, l’indicatore sull’armonia e la pace italiana è monopolio della sinistra estrema. Sbagliato. L’Istituto che lo cura elabora le indicazioni provenienti dal mondo accademico internazionale e dai think tank più spostati nell’area del conservatorismo. Per di più le somme finali sono tirate sotto la supervisione dell’ Economist Intelligence Unit , braccio operativo dell’Economist, a sua volta Bibbia della conservazione anglosassone.
Eppur moves
then return to the economy, the World Economic Forum to observe that in terms of gender gap, that is, inequality between the sexes, we have gained as many as 17 positions. Finally, we determined comeback. Here is a clear indication of policy making. We are climbing positions in the pyramid of the differences between the sexes, and bridge the gap for decades, indeed centuries, have relegated to the tail of our country. How are we getting these results? Who knows, maybe dozens of young people applying for letters, models, letteronze, women's image and ex-escort, some for the truth in action learning, in the destination list, alternatively, to open the doors and the seats of municipal councils, provincial and regional halls of parliament, with the attachment of the European Parliament, etc ... .. I wonder.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Mapy Z Dużymi Expami I Questami 8.1

Here is a piece of ham, pork cooked with wood fire.
To see the video click on the following link:

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

French Country Curtains With Dog Jumpi

The sartù

Piatto tipico della cucina napoletana. Ci sono molte varianti, questa è una di quelle che faccio io. Può sembrare difficile ma non lo è. Inoltre è un piatto unico che oltre a soddisfare il palato è anche scenografico
Poiché è un video, per vederlo cliccare sul seguente link:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Watch Free Bangbros Previews

December 4th to the market .... Scandicci

... there will be one of our docks and in particular there will be a calendar with pictures of our little dogs that will keep you company throughout 2011 and of course there will be lots of other stuff ...
... we are waiting ...

..... miss you ... not true :-)))) ???!!!!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Tamil Marriage Invitation Wordings

rice meatballs in the oven for any occasion

Oggi polpette.
How do you want?
with pan-cooked potatoes?
in a good lasagna?
in a beautiful sartù?
as an appetizer or snack?
followed the video by clicking on the link below, I'll show you how!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Cards For Cancer Patients

grilled pork loin, stuffed with the flavors of autumn

Here is another creation of mine, relax, make yourself comfortable and if you want to see how I made this by clicking on the link below:

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Soap Notes For Occupational Therapy

Soup leeks (or onions)

To view the movie click on the following link:

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Where Can I Get Gelmicin Cream

Everybody loves Gianni Canova!

Vi segnalo per intero l'editoriale della rivista Duellanti diretta da Gianni Canova , famoso critico cinematografico, autore di una serie di testi di approfondimento su Lynch Cronenberg and of which they are jealous owner!
Apparently, the same Canova has the 'Eye Digger (and there's also the biggest of mine), digging very deep in the film industry which has always been one of the leading Italian .

" Sometimes even friends are wrong. In mid-July, in an interview published in La Stampa, Steve Della Casa commented enthusiastically the decision to devote Marco Müller retrospective of Venice to the Italian comedy film, hailed as an objective "clearance" of cinepanettoni and their vital comedy "fascennina" only criticism that "thoughtful" would not be able to understand and appreciate.
Time: I confess that I begin to really not be able to more in this country, flaunted contempt for everything that has to do with the thought . Speaking of critics, in particular, the thoughtfulness (ie the ability to reflect, connect, analyze, interpret ...) should be a constitutive quality. What do we want? A critical playful? Lust? Joyful? Troublemakers? Maybe. But to be, and at the same time continue to be "critical", the criticism itself should never renounce the exercise of thought. Even the risk of appearing boring to Müller and all'establishment that he wanted to drive to Venice.
Moreover, if and when it ceases to be thoughtful, critical errors in the risk of hitting it falls Steve Della Casa in his article. For example: in ancient Rome were fescennini the event of a vulgar comedy but plebeian, authentically working-class, which has little to do with our tradition of comic cinema. Which is instead largely an expression of a petty-bourgeois comedy with an objective substratum racist, sexist, patriarchal and conformist. It will not be chic to say and write, but I say it and write it the same. And I add that I find very questionable decision to dedicate a retrospective the exhibition of the Venice Film Festival is not the rediscovery of cinema research, experimental and disturbing, what the market has always been hostile and marginalized, but a film that-at least in Italy-coincides with the market and monopolize and he does his and that does not need a retrospective paid with public money to be known. But so be it. Would be truly transgressive, Müller should put it in competition, a cinepanettoni. Or a film by Tinto Brass. But it never will. Him would not do. What it does to pass the idea that there is no other film this and the other film is boring and communist. Indeed: thoughtful, vade retro. "

Sometimes an apology of thoughtful criticism is helpful to understand that this is the strata to which we must address seriously and to make critical criterion. At the movies are not the reviews, there are scores or scale of merit, need two eyes and a shovel to dig.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Toothpick Tower Blueprints

Incestuous - Il figlio bastardo di Freud e Nolan

articles do not usually like that, but this time I want to challenge the elements that make up the plot of a film that has made quite a stir (and very successful): Inception of Christopher Nolan .

I state that, overall, I liked the movie. I left satisfied by the projection. This is completely irrelevant to my analysis, however, for the few who do ask, they will not start from preconceived ideas.
A little 'as in Matrix, this film combines great action sequences with a very interesting theoretical discourse. Nolan builds a real architectural (element strongly present in the plot) of contemporary cinema, structuring the staging of a series of different levels, similar to the structure of human consciousness.
The plot is intriguing and the potential of a project such as Inception are endless, unfortunately, in my humble opinion, were not used to 100%. It feels very much the weight of advancing years. A film like this, if it was produced a decade ago, would have been revolutionary and deserved (perhaps ) the name that many critics continue to give it a hurry: masterpiece. Inception
is by no means a masterpiece. It 'an interesting experiment, a variation of a theme in recent years is taking several feet in the world cinema, especially Hollywood. Maybe the film will not make explosives come prima, avendo sfruttato fino all'osso il genere dell'action movie fino a renderlo una pagliacciata (consapevole) alla Expendables , per cui tra le esplosioni si cerca di inserire qualche elemento nuovo. Il film di guerra ha stufato, proviamo a trasportare la guerra su un differente piano.
Come abbiamo iniziato a vedere negli articoli precedenti, ma vedremo meglio sicuramente in seguito, i Wachowski con Matrix hanno costruito un ponte tra il mondo virtuale e quello reale . Molte esplosioni, effetti bullet-time e cazzotti, ma anche una solidissima struttura filosofica che abbraccia l'intera cultura occidentale degli ultimi 500 anni.
Recentemente, è stato similarly, the acclaimed film of James Cameron that, using the same ploy, has created a product more "family" plundering the plot of novels for children and animated feature films, but valuing the whole with a splendid series of technical virtuosity.

Inception has been produced too close to Avatar and Matrix. Seeing this film, I felt a constant sense of deja-vu. Even the car with the cables that allows you to enter and exit from a dream, as this idea may be frightening to a psychoanalytic point of view (but we'll get there), refers a lot to the famous "jack " that vengono utilizzati da Neo e compagni per collegarsi e scollegarsi da Matrix .

Devo apprezzare il fatto che Nolan , a differenza dei Wachowski , non ha reso note le sue fonti di ispirazione. Non ha fatto la citazione furbona di Freud o parlato apertamente dell' Interpretazione dei  Sogni , evitando qualunque tipo di riferimento alla famosa dottrina psicanalitica. Purtroppo, però, a meno che lo spettatore al cinema non sia A) ignorante totale o B) laureato in psicologia , il paragone nasce spontaneo. Ma dato che, neither A nor B are the norm at the cinema, no one is allowed to move comparisons.
start with a small, meticulous terminological clarification of that, however, annoyed me throughout the projection as a splinter in his finger. The character played by Leonardo Di Caprio and his colleagues very often speak of something called " SUBCONSCIOUS . Now, I do not have a degree in psychology, but I understand enough to know that the subconscious, in psychoanalysis as in every other possible theory of the dream, does not exist! It is simply a mistranslation of UNCONSCIOUS. The error, however, is not attribuire al povero Nolan che, nel suo piccolo, ha sempre parlato di “ subconscious ”. In inglese, infatti, il termine funge da sempre come un sinonimo povero di “ unconscious ”. Lo stesso Freud, però, ha dichiarato : " We shall also be right in rejecting the term 'subconsciousness' as incorrect and misleading ” poiché crea una gran confusione per nulla.

La critica più grande che voglio fare a questo film, però, è un'altra. Una critica strutturale .
Il film è intelligentemente organizzato a livelli , la messa in scena è coordinata millimeter and the spectacular action sequences taking us to a world that is different, like Chinese boxes. Indeed, it is assumed that one of the dreamers to act as architect dream material and shape at will, ordering, as well as a director (and the comparison is not entirely accidental) the imagination of people.
more you dive into the "subconscious " (...) and the more things change. Time expands and amplifies the magnitude of the effect of external agents on the dreamer himself. A droplet of water on the face may suggest to the mind and the stimulation of the wet dream of the rain, or a sea or a waterfall (or go to the bathroom). Andando sempre più in profondità si scoprono degli elementi, appunto, inconsci, come nel caso della moglie del protagonista che “ sedimentano ” nei suoi sogni da molti anni. L'elemento, veramente poco sfruttato, dei Totem .

Da questo si deduce che Nolan ha letto Freud , poiché già dai primi sogni analizzati si possono estrapolare queste nozioni.

Questi che ho appena riassunto sono, secondo me, i punti di forza dell'intera pellicola. Degli elementi sicuramente interessanti che hanno permesso al regista di creare una dimensione “ di sogno ” (And not "dreamy ) Hollywood. Are those things that are good for the film, in short, that make it enjoyable or .
Similarly, however, we suggest that the same Nolan arrabattato has a number of concepts from Freud's famous and he organized at his pleasure, forgetting all sense of the whole interpretation of the dream: that is, precisely interpretation. Hermeneutics, as it speaks Hegel, the owl of Minerva . You can not hold a dream in a conscious way and live by "wake up" because the only way for us to penetrate the Our unconscious is just in its interpretation in retrospect, after the dream occurred, for what little I remember. All with the help of a professional, as, indeed, a psychoanalyst .
Now, dear Nolan, you could create from scratch a dreamlike dimension as did many directors before you (see David Lynch firstly, that bell for many years with these things) or take the concepts Freudian but not interpret as you wish, by following the plan, as in the case of the master Alfred Hitchcock (and I quote Psycho Spellbound - Spellbound ).

Inception, I repeat, is a good movie, but is not a masterpiece because it has elements that characterize it as such. Great director, interpretations, special effects, the basic idea, but does not have much formal coherence.

A great shame.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Where Can I Get Spare Wheels For My Baby Walker

Inghilterra e Skinhead

a film dealing with the Skinhead culture there are many, among which should be mentioned "American History X" (with Edward Norton) and "Romper Stomper "(with Russell Crowe), addressing the issue of racism in the social contexts of the United States and Australia. The film, in my opinion, is distinguished from others, even less is known of the two mentioned above, is "This Is England", set in the UK, where the culture is born and develops its Skin disparate fringe.

England, summer of 1983. Margaret Thatcher down a new policy of extreme conservatism, the throw-in social values \u200b\u200blong gone, read back from the eyes of most extreme. This is the time that it intensifies the gap between different ideologies Skinhead.
It 'just that the content of the film, which tells the story of twelve year old Shaun (Thomas Toogose), lost his father died in war. Initially the boy is mocked by most of his peers, but outside the walls of the school, make friends with a group of guys with plaid shirts, suspenders, and Dr Martens, led by Woody. Shaun is put at ease and addressed to the unbridled fun, changing his manner of dress and way of thinking, finally earning a girl (much) bigger than him and making known to his mother his new circle of friends. He can finally be happily carefree, like any teenager of her age.
The first important breakthrough came with Combo, the destabilizing element of the story, a friend of Woody just emerging from a period of detention lasted three years, which We are committed to creating a group of young alternative, relying on the social unrest of that period as xenophobia, insecurity and so on, thus embodying the stereotype of the classic right-wing skinheads, racist and violent. The two groups will obviously not agree from the outset, Combo is a charismatic speaker and will creep into the minds of some members of the Woody, Milky including (a black boy) and Shaun himself, passing them on his side.

Stop, pause, begin to analyze the tables: we have two different groups of young skinheads with two different ideologies behind. On one side, "Oi!" Woody, allegedly left with the reminder of the fun, evenings, fooling around, alcohol and music hosting, among their ranks, the young Milky, a black, stressing that their ideology would break away from political debate racial, as would be natural to think of seeing a generic group of skinheads. In the film, the violent intent of the Oi! little is taken into account (although it is also among them) and I think this is done deliberately to emphasize the other side of the coin: a group of skinhead Combo. Xenophobic and extremely conservative, fighting against any kind of immigration (in this case Pakistan, emphasized three specific points in the film), where violenza e prepotenza sono all’apice di ogni azione e la strumentalizzazione politica regna sovrana.
Shaun si trova, così, in mezzo a 2 fuochi, ma, con lo svolgersi degli eventi, imparerà ad usare la testa in modo più che ragionevole, a districarsi infine tra le scelte giuste da prendere. Combo avrà un’influenza negativa su di lui, portandolo fin dalla sua giovane età nella frangia xenofoba della cultura Skin, ma il ragazzo inizierà ad aprire gli occhi pian piano e rendersi conto delle sue scelte errate e dell’influenza che Combo ha avuto su di lui e sui suoi amici.
La goccia che farà traboccare il vaso sarà una serata in cui Combo e gli altri si ritrovano in una stanza e, da a smoke grass in joy you will get a heavy beating by the Milky Skin.

short, two British Independent Film Awards 2006 Best Film and Best Newcomer (Thomas Turgoose in fact) and 2008 BAFTA for best British film, not hunting.
The film is inspired by an episode of the past life of the director, and his goal is scored, a perfect picture of how cultural evolution of low-level has taken hold in England in the 80's of how the advance of xenophobic ideologies and wrong breach face as if nothing had happened in the minds English mangled by a policy too conservatrice e deludente, da una disoccupazione incombente ed una rinnovata forma di malriposto patriottismo. Fattore molto rilevante del film che ho sottolineato all’inizio, è il fatto che sulla bilancia con altri film che trattano l’argomento Skinhead, tutto sembra rappresentato con naturalezza ed attenzione ai dettagli, ai costumi e alle ambientazioni, a differenza di altre pellicole dove è facile ritrovare i soliti pessimi cliché e luoghi comuni. Se questo film è il capolavoro che è (a mio modestissimo parere, ma non credo io sia l’unico a pensarla così..) è proprio grazie a quel piccolo talento di Thomas Turgoose, primissimo film per lui giovane tredicenne nel 2006, nonostante i suoi features square and a little 'crooked, is able to convey so much, very much indeed, with the intensity of his eyes. In the simplicity of some of his phrases, it shines a mature boy trapped in the body of a child, the premature death of the father has matured suddenly making a real little man who still has to learn of the injustices they learn a lot in this life. movie ... I say no more, I leave to you the vision of this excellent This is England and posterity will judge, as I already have given!

PS: Ah! The film is hardly in Italian, then follow my advice and see it in English with Italian subtitles, worth so much;)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Fire Drill Evacuation Checklist

With pleasure I would like to report a blog dedicated to cats ..
near Greve in Chianti (FI)


blog is a very fresh nice and interesting ... is run by Sergio and Christina who engage actively in the kittens in a colony in Greve in this beautiful but also well aware that on this blog is intended as a means to find a home to many small furry guests. ..

course, "good luck" to Sergio and Eleanor Cristina :-)))
for this effort and we hope that all friends of the blog helping Caniglia the garden of the hairy to be known in this way ... with a small gesture, we will help these sweet micettini ...

Friday, September 24, 2010

Namtai Eyetoy Drivers

Tomorrow in Rome there will be a demonstration against the Directive Europea sulla vivisezione così revisionata purtroppo non potremo esserci, ringraziamo con tutto il cuore coloro che invece andranno..perchè faranno sentire tutta la rabbia e la vergogna nei confronti di questa direttiva orribile che ci dimostra ancora una volta quanto la civiltà, i valori etici, la morale appartengano ormai a pochi..e che passano sì gli anni ma non si fanno passi avanti..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Community Service Start Up Sample Letters

Ci siamo quasi alla siete prenotati???!!!!
Coraggio non fate i pigroni...sarà una serata bellissima....
Vi aspettiamo in tantissimi!!!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

When You Faint Are Your Eyes Open?

NOW 'AT HOME IN MARTINA (A SIGNA, FLORENCE), who are breast-feeding with bottle feeding and would need UNAGATTA that I can breastfeed.
contact Martin 333-4245749

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Poultice For Infections

La Matrice di Matrix

Matrix . Everyone has seen the Matrix!
Not all, however, liked the Matrix. In terms of social phenomenon is certainly more important than Avatar , but despite this, earned much less at the box office.

Let's talk a second about what's before the movie.
Let in the shoes of Wachowski, two brothers grew up together in the same house with those same friends and hobbies. Read comics, watch cartoons on TV, playing D & D. Exceptional real nerd! Working in pairs is never a walk, but two minds as their can only be an asset. There is no contrast, it is as if the same person had twice the creativity and inventiveness. For the uninitiated, the Wachowskis ( Larry and Andy ) is the mastermind behind The Matrix, have written the story, the screenplay and took the reins of direction, once the project has officially landed on the set .

Without going the details of particular sequences, as we will in the future, the film reveals two basic elements: the action film and reflective film. This dual structure is from the AC shared cultural background of the brothers, especially of Japanese.
who, like myself, is passionate souls have surely seen Akira and Ghost in the Shell , two of the greatest masterpieces of animation Japan. The peculiarity of both products, in addition to their futuristic steampunk (for instance, that "the Blade Runner ) che li accomuna, sono le tematiche di rilevanza sociale che vengono alternate a sequenze di grande azione, come le corse in motocicletta di Akira ed i combattimenti di arti marziali.
In Matrix vediamo trasportati gli stessi elementi e le stesse tematiche. Le inquadrature ed i movimenti di camera sono propri della tecnica fumettistica cartacea e della più recente animazione e le sequenze dialogate sembrano estrapolate da un saggio di Baudrillard . Tral'altro, non soddisfatti del tutto, dopo la premiere di Matrix in Giappone, i Wachowski hanno collaborato con alcuni tra i più prestigiosi studi di animazione e hanno prodotto Animatrix , un piccolo gioiellino composto from 9 animated short films which will be discussed very soon.

All this may seem unnatural, from a certain point of view. Many did not appreciate the film because they thought " is neither meat nor fish ", people who came in the room for a philosophical film were disappointed by the special effects and the fighting, while those who entered only for the explosions and the beautiful babes have not found satisfaction, falling asleep in mid-film. The reality is that the film will not be defined within a particular genre, as well as Japanese animation that often is misunderstood quando esca dai suo confini d'origine, ma sfrutta quella tecnica tutta contemporanea del citazionismo per attingere da determinati modelli ma creando un prodotto nuovo ed unitario.
Cambiamo argomento per un secondo, parliamo di Tarantino .
Kill Bill . In molti lo hanno visto e, come per Matrix, in molti lo hanno snobbato o non compreso.
“Tarantino è un copione”, l'ho sentito milioni di volte da bocche inesperte di cinema che, seppur non capendo una virgola di grammatica filmica hanno apprezzato la pellicola (perché comunque Kill Bill è un film “attraente”, basta pensare che vi è una women as protagonists.)
The background of the two authors is different, if the Wachowskis grew up with Marvel Comics and robottoni on television, Tarantino has remained with one foot in the States and one in the world thanks to television. Kung fu movies, horror series B, spaghetti westerns, all that sort of counterculture that, thanks to him, today is also appreciated in the academic field.
series and the Matrix series and Kill Bill are not too different from the formal point of view. The quotations and technical content that bring a new message and do not just play a mannerist films of the 80s or an old cartoon.

Returning to our matrix, we perceive the entire duration of the film (I speak still of the first film), a wave of progress, always with an eye to the past. As the 'Angelus Novus of Paul Klee , taken from Benjamin in his essay "On the concept of history " flies in the future with the messianic hope of a revolution and a change from the rubble of the past Neo summarized in the figure of the One this messianic expectation, and this revolution (Marxist) in the world of the future.
The same technique patented bullet-time in the famous opening sequence and kept alive and agent for the rest of the trilogy, is a step forward for world cinema. It is not only an improvement of special effects, but a new way of conceiving the action film, just as today, after only ten years, Avatar has changed the standard once again.

As is rich in the Matrix trilogy, I could devote an entire blog just to his analysis! But I do not think that's the case ... all for today!

Ps: Mr. Andy Wachowski is now ... hem ... Miss Lana Wachowski: D

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Brad Norton And Tiffany Granath

Make reservations .... PLEASE !!!!!
... we still have a few entries :-(

...... And .... PASSATEPAROLA


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Potterton Performa 28 Manual

Bigiox Revolution!

I recently purchased from the site, an incomparable resource for us cinephiles, one of the "boxes" I've always dreamed of owning: The Ultimate Matrix Collection. I love the Matrix, not only the first episode, I love the whole trilogy. Even at the time of its release, I enjoyed the dialogues of the second more than the first!

then they want us to not only show it as a hunting trophy on the table? Since this set is full of material, making of and insights on the cultural phenomenon that generated the Matrix, I like to work on different levels. On the one hand maybe focus on the anthropological context in which Matrix has been developed, which come in the minds of visionary brothers Wachowski to understand the motive that prompted them to create a product as complex. On the other hand I'd like to approach the analysis of the film in a serious and professional, always keeping in mind that "kind" of film in front of me. To make myself understood, I would not treat ever Matrix Reloaded or an episode of the Animatrix as a feature on which the Hitchcock film I have to work for the thesis. We must keep in mind the evolution of cinema and its fundamental character of temporality which, often, the critics tend to forget, for exchanging masterpieces of banality and ignoring the real pearls of innovation that the industry is proposing.

It 's a project that I'd like to accomplish because, as I said, the world of the Matrix is \u200b\u200bvery complex and it is on many different levels, being a hybrid form of the perfect action movie and film by film club and it's worth understand something.

approved or not approved?
you like Matrix? Only the first one or the other?
Be heard!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Welcome Card For Wedding Bags

DINNER !!!!! Caniglia
least, it's OUR ANNUAL DINNER-watering
.... IS NOT 'NO!!

Sunday, September 19 AT THE CIRCLE OF BROZZI
at 20:00


ALLEGRE is delicious vegetables


Minimum bid € 15, OO
(e per favore chiamate non all'ultimo momento....sennò ci demoralizziamo se non vediamo affluenza!!!:-))))


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Nadine Jansen Gaining

mamma gatta (ora sterilizzata) e gattini cercano adozione...
per maggiori informazioni Beatrice: 3381109638