Thursday, March 3, 2011

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Sunday, March 6 at 18e30 appointment at the Literary Cafe Via Ostiense in Rome in 1995 for the inauguration of a photographic exhibition intriguing from the title, which in fact steal for this piece, and the name of a cultural association that has organized: Feminine Plural . interviewing Serena Gentili, a founder, began the play on words that I lose my mouth, what happened to bind a unique name so ?
Association Feminine Plural comes from an evening with friends who share the desire for culture and education to promote the spirit of gender, the desire to support women living conditions against moral or material, but also hope to foster greater social integration and garantire pari opportunità per tutte.
Per andare sul concreto, l'associazione si propone di svolgere azioni di sensibilizzazione della cittadinanza e proposte di sviluppo, di sostenere esperienze culturali locali, di promuovere e diffondere la lettura, la fotografia e le arti espressive in genere, di organizzare mostre, eventi, spettacoli, manifestazioni musicali, teatrali, eccetera, o anche convegni, conferenze, dibattiti, seminari e ogni altra attività formativa e di riqualificazione professionale in genere. Infine, ci proponiamo di attivare uno sportello di primo orientamento, con professionisti specializzati, con lo scopo di garantire supporto di natura legale, medica e psicologica alle donne in difficoltà.
In Specifically, what is the initiative that opened Sunday, and for how long?
This is a photographic exhibition, whose theme is "the woman seen with the sensibility of a woman", dedicated to those women who, despite obviously being busy professionals in their daily lives and concerns different, are united by photography as passion or as a means to express themselves occasionally.
The would-be participants had until Feb. 15 to send us their photos: I have come many, including, by regulation, shall have been chosen as the 23 human chromosome pairs ( the twenty-third pair is that at some point sometimes " changes "to the boys, otherwise we would all females! - Ed ) for exposure, remember that lasts 6 to 16 March next. It 's also a different way to celebrate the International Women's Day. Ah, let me recall that the event coincides with the collaboration of Arteoltre , Photo: City and the same Literary Cafe, and the patronage of the Province and the Municipality of Rome.
Come on practical: how much it pays to visit the exhibition, with schedules that are accessed, and what the winner wins.
In full compliance with the association, participation in the show is absolutely free, the entry does not necessarily even the classic card registration association in short exposure access is free, and you can all day from 10 am alle2 night. You have no excuses, you have to visit us!
As for awards, the author of photography considered the most original and expressive, at the discretion of a "jury of quality," will have the opportunity to participate in a course of Street Photography. But the expiration of the deadline for submission of photographs, the photographs are published on our Facebook page , because even the public can vote for their choice.
Jury quality public vote ... wow, almost like Sanremo! ... Jokes in part, for the future what you have in the pipeline?
The ideas are many, and we're still evaluating. Among others there is a literary competition, always dedicated to women ... But there are certainly other proposals suggested by many that we follow closely on Facebook, a place to discussions and recommendations are always fertile and tight.


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