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Le frasi qui sopra non sono state riportate da un sito di controinformazione odierno, ma da un libro del 1958: " Ritorno al mondo nuovo " di Aldous Huxley . The British writer, a personal friend of George Orwell , he was "opponent of prophecy," and his "New World (essential book of 1932) won at the end: his nightmare is that we are living and not to " 1984 ", even if the game is not yet closed. Aware of the fact was exactly the same when Huxley wrote the essay that we are citing (among other things that anticipates by decades the issues of decrease).
If you still lived, and would publish an updated edition, Huxley today might consider Italy the laboratory where the realization of his dystopia (the utopia of evil) made the most progress. And despite the fact that the plans had been discovered in time (something tells you the symbol P2 ?): Control of the media in the first television , sucks for removal and / or entertainment of the masses from political participation, less democracy empty simulacrum, inversion of the meaning of words like "freedom", reduced to slogans to start from the premise that they were and had to be shared. Only in this way, among other things, can you explain why a person who in any other so-called democratic country in the world would be in jail, or at least a thousand miles away in agony political, by we still can boast resilience in the polls and some chance of winning back if elections.
course, if we look to the alternative (even the medium-term political death of the old pole for the succession soggettino that there is a return from a pilgrimage to Arcore comes out with brilliant proposals such as this. . .) is to be feared that this is really a very long tunnel whose end, to quote Guccini, we will never see .
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