Friday, July 16, 2010

Xterra Roof Rack-mounted Off-road Lights

Ancora alieni e ancora alienazioni

I had promised, I have not had too much time to do it before, but for a lucky coincidence, I bought the DVD this movie a few small change to a market and I convinced him to speak properly.

is well known that Oscar make you " rosicare . Unless you are a fan of the mainstream (and often not even that will save you) or a sheep movie, your favorite movie will never win the golden statuette. In my case, some more radical points of view, I always saw him lose miserably films that I had enjoyed most during the year the film. Often there are some movies never even arrived at the Oscars. But that's okay. This year, the landscape of
Academy Awards for us a very interesting challenge, perhaps too many worthwhile films in competition, for disparate reasons.

giant blue aliens with the technology, the film by politically engaged women, the spotlight of alien minorities in South Africa, the "masterpiece" of Tarantino, a walk in the rough slums of the African-American culture in the USA, Yankee Doodle actors and the losers of the Pixar blockbuster tears. You would not think, but they are all films that I very much appreciated!
But I always point to the lame horse, is one of my characteristics, and this year it fell to the expensive and ill-treated: District 9.

I thought about this film, comparing it with its "nemesis" Avatar , but would be too restrictive, so I will devote only a few lines to this argument.
The first impression I had of District 9 was "Wow if Cronenberg had read the script for Avatar, it would draw that conclusion! . The two films have much in common, but develop the same themes in a molto differente.
Il discorso di Cameron rimane collocato all'interno dell'estetica della perfezione mentre questa produzione indipendente scende in profondità e non si lascia accecare dalla possibilità di un lieto fine hollywoodiano. Mi spiego meglio.

Entrambi i protagonisti del film si muovono (uno liberamente, l'altro coattivamente) tra l'umano ed il sovrumano . Il soldato che sfrutta le nuove tecnologie per perfezionarsi tramite il suo gigantesco avatar alieno si trova nella stessa posizione del povero impiegato che muta, ora dopo ora, dalla sua condizione di umano a quella di “ fuckin' prawn ”. Entrambi acquire a different understanding of their condition, are to raise the institutions that have supported until shortly before, the same that have betrayed them and try to overpower the alien population. Racism in practice. The protagonist of
Avatar wants to change the body, or rather, want to improve your body worse. In D9, however, the protagonist is robbed of its condition of satisfaction (work, family and psychological) in response to a social change that involves. Racial integration becomes bodily integrity, physical and pathological individual and becomes part of the alien race . Because I thought

David Cronenberg in ? He is the director of " body" for excellence in film and District 9 is a very "physical". As in "The Fly ", the protagonist undergoes a metamorphosis that is represented in an excellent manner by the apparatus of film special effects.
This metamorphosis, however, in the case of D9 is not only physical, but as we mentioned, sociological . Wikus ( Sharlto Copley), just because it represents the Earth's diplomacy is forced to "take the role " aliens and then empathize with the problems of their race. Again, these are issues that they treated in Avatar (the same sequence as the final battle between the bad and Wikus duty epilogue is very similar to Avatar, given the presence of mecha robots in both fights), but the film Cameron is less attentive to the social dynamics and more intent on creating a parallel reality and fantasy where the viewer can live and forget their problems (not solve).

Now, let's dig a little in the territory of District9 drawing any conclusions from its constituent parts.
The film is undeniably a particular sci-fi movie . Despite does not continue on the themes alien invasion, its like that, it is peaceful or warlike. In fact, the aliens seem to D9 of the castaways. The opening sequence where the land expedition explores the inside of the mothership that stands out above Johannesburg reminds us of a hypothetical news service titled " a new landing of refugees on Lampedusa . We do not have the canonical image of the technologically developed aliens that descend from the ship triumphantly proclaiming " come in peace," Visitors are not . They do not even grotesque appearance of brains of Mars Attack , though! To be aliens, they are very humans.
No one explains the reason for their coming, we know only that you must live with this population foreign to our culture and our customs. The situation there is very familiar, just think of the immigration problem that has occupied the front pages of newspapers worldwide for a century now. In short, the intergalactic refugees are here to stay and we must get used to this situation.

This brings me to develop a view on form.
District9 The film is nothing but the phenomenology in an attempt to solve a social problem, namely that immigration . The fact that it is set in South Africa There has to think of the 2010 World Cup but to a problem, perhaps overshadowed by this event stressed that, as the 'Apartheid . The film follows a historical situation of the past, the segregation of blacks in South Africa, returning all through the magic of cinema, following the awesome insight Tarantino in his latest film "Inglorious Basterds . We can change history, but only with the power of imagination, and give a different outcome to a tragic event that has struck us deeply.
South Africa has a " second chance" to rectify their past mistakes, instead stumbles exactly the same problem without finding a solution.
The issue of "District 9" how to lock up the ghetto alien forms is not the solution, this form of segregation, as the film shows us, is nothing but a receptacle of violence, crime and hatred. The real solution to this problem is that, indirectly, provides Wikus. The philosopher Leibniz

and, later, Kant , we speak of a feeling that men have in common. The first discussion of this option explicitly to solve problems, the second deals with the Critique of Judgement may to justify the communicability state of mind of every person. Both of agree on a passage: you must put in the place of , hear what the other feels the pain of others and participate in the best way to understand it.
Wikus becomes alien, alienated (as Feuerbach would say ) on whether , radically changes your body, so that, at the end of his personal life, he prefers to give priority to the salvation of what has now become his people, rather than cure the condition that afflicts him. In phenomenology
immigration, Wikus has been able to better understand the situation, which had failed before metamorphosis to do, and acted effectively to resolve it. Wikus is a symbol of racial integration and District 9 tells the story.
No love, no blue aliens and no happy ending. Especially for Wikus.


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