Monday, January 31, 2011

What Are The Names Of The Parts In Canada

Giappone nichilista

Il primo argomento del 2011 è qualcosa che mi ronza in testa da molto tempo e che non vedevo l'ora di poter condividere su questo blog. Una riflessione scaturita dall'approccio professionale con il cinema del Giappone , spesso incompreso o male interpretato.

Ultimamente ho partecipato alle proiezioni della retrospettiva Nihon Eiga al Cineclub Detour , queste serate si proponevano l'intento to expand the visual horizon of the spectator-loving cinephile Japan. Put a lot of irons in the fire and sample a little bit of everything, as well as the tradition of oriental cuisine, because Japan is not only the animation of Miyazaki or horror Ringu (to name one).

For this small article I would like to propose a comparison, again on the Japanese front, two films which differ in style and content but that reflect both the fate of contemporary Japan.
The first is the debut film camera of the famous director / actor Takeshi Kitano : the film is Violent Cop 1989. The second pellicola è più recente e, forse, meno conosciuta: Kamikaze Girls di Tetsuya Nakashima del 2005.

Entrambe le pellicole concordano su una visione sociale del Giappone contemporaneo di stampo nichilista. Una realtà, specialmente quella fuori dai grandi centri abitati, che comportano un altro tipo di nevrosi e alienazioni, segnata dalla forte presenza di criminalità e malessere.
Kitano ci mostra un poliziotto che, accantonando l'etica e ogni forma di inutile buonismo, guarda in faccia l'odio ed il fondo nero dell'esistenza, per abbracciare in pieno il nichilismo e agire di conseguenza, annullando il male alla radice. Il poliziotto violento con il volto di Kitano è l'esempio dell'uomo attivo di stampo nietzschiano / deleuziano , che trascende ogni forma di morale e agisce unicamente secondo la propria volontà (di potenza) .
Non è per niente facile compiere una scelta di questo tipo. Si travalica ogni confine di umanità, di pietà e si vive perennemente al limite tra la bestia e il dio. Infatti, il protagonista del film è tormentato da sensi di colpa a differenza degli eroi senza macchia e senza paura delle pellicole americane.
La sequenza conclusiva di Violent Cop è l'emblema, non solo del cinema di Kitano, quanto di una vera e propria weltanschauung di stampo superomistico, dove l'eroe è pronto a sacrificare qualunque cosa, anche i suoi affetti e la sua stessa vita, per sradicare il male dal mondo e ricominciare daccapo.
Un altro personaggio di questo stampo è V , protagonista del film V for Vendetta , di cui abbiamo parlato esplicitamente qualche tempo addietro (per leggere l'articolo, clicca quì !).

Cosa avviene di simile in Kamikaze Girls ? E cosa di meno simile?
Chi ha visto il film mi starà prendendo per pazzo perché, oltre gli occhi a mandorla dei personaggi, non sembra esserci niente che leghi queste due pellicole. Anche a livello di autorialità del film, Takeshi Kitano is one of , a master of cinematography, and the other is a director and addressed to an unknown target adolescents.
Let me break a lance in favor of this film that, in terms of directing, I found it really good. Some sequences are very original as a staging and assembly work is just as good. Unfortunately, the dialogues are completely idiotic. Too bad.
The main character, Momoko , lives in the same Kitano Japan where he lives and is immersed in the same reality. His reaction, however, unlike the hero of our trigger-happy, is not at all active but very responsive. Looking at the bottom of the baratro ed il volto unto e schifoso della vita, la risposta di Momoko è la creazione di un mondo fittizio pieno di dolcezza, fronzoli e canzoncine.
La nostalgia di cui ci parla Nietzsche, ossia il maniera sbagliata di guardare al passato, viene ripresa da Momoko nella sua opera di rivisitazione del periodo Rococò tramite la riattualizzazione dello stile Lolita .

L'intera realtà di Momoko non è nient'altro che una maschera apollinea, come scriverebbe il Nietzsche de La nascita della tragedia che si finge reale per distogliere l'attenzione dalla "vera realtà", quella che preferiamo non vedere perché frighten us and disgusts us.
Now, my thinking is, as always, associated with a series of themes that come back. One that is close to my heart is the ethics of film that, like any art form recognized, must bear the burden of the effect on those who will not qualify. Some responsibility if we want. Films like
Avatar , Matrix , Inception , all suggest the theme of parallel realities and the possibility to choose between the real and true actually represented. Movies like this have a big weight on his shoulders because the outcome of these films will have an impact on the viewer that puts young same questions.

Kitano, albeit barbaric, advised to take the bull by the horns (or life by the balls).
Nakashima, however, advises young people stoned in a fictional world in the hope that one day, magically, the problems of life disappear and it all turns into a sugary cake to eat in the company of cronies.

always to emphasize the value (and its ethical responsibility) that the film has in the relationship between reality and imagination, I offer this amusing movie, which many of you have already seen posted on Facebook, that stimulated intellectually myself for writing these reflections. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Noma Thermostat Wiring

I love dearly Antonio Albanian from time to Frengo Mai dire gol , or rather drastic Alex to on his head, and I think it's one of the most greatest Italian actors of this era, like all truly great comedy and drama that is often confused with the two dimensions. And for this alchemical mingling among its characters Cetto The matter was immediately the best for us Calabrian "abroad" with the added value that can be read by a Sicilian Camilleri: who really understand. This is to get rid of any prejudices among the causes of the negative review I am about to make his latest blockbuster.
Any Indeed, indeed I should say unfeasible, I did not like. Yes, I know that if I do not like dicks sunnu mei, but I say the same. Certainly not a bad movie, and there are scenes of high level, but overall is a bit 'disappointing: it was hard, and failed, to bring to life film perfection with a character who wallows in the 5 minutes of an appearance on television. Leaving the cinema I thought maybe my expectations were just too high, like when you go see a movie based on a book you really liked or that was just my calabresitudine to ruin the overall taste making me weigh the most bitter moments lighter than me laughing.
Then I ran into controversy Peppe Voltarelli , a talented musician, former leader of the Calabrian heavy portion of the cloud, I've seen perform many times before and after its release: on top of their artistic parable For now, the disc and on tour with Claudio Lolli a ricantare tutto Ho visto degli zingari felici , insuperabile opera del cantautore bolognese. Onda calabra era una tarantella dall'autobiografico e amaro testo che parlava dell'emigrazione calabrese in Germania, mentre nella versione che scorre nei titoli di coda del film è una macchiettistica elencazione dei luoghi comuni che fanno il personaggio Cetto. Ascoltata fuori dal film, si rischia di non capire la satira: ha ragione Voltarelli e torto gli altri del Parto, che si sono invece dichiarati contenti della riscrittura del testo.
E' pensando questo della canzone che mi si è accesa la classica lampadina: siamo sicuri, ma proprio sicuri, che tutti quelli che hanno visto il film ne hanno colto la satira? Queste le statistiche aggiornate : centinaia di sale piene significa decine di migliaia di spettatori al giorno dal 21 gennaio, che significa milioni di euro e nel mirino il record che  Che bella giornata di Checco Zalone ha appena strappato dopo 14 anni a La vita è bella di Benigni . Ora, non è che io voglia "aristocraticamente" sostenere che tutto questo successo commerciale implica automaticamente che non tutti possano cogliere il messaggio, e d'altronde gli spettatori televisivi sono sempre di più di quelli cinematografici, ma è proprio il paragone con Zalone che mi consente di dire che con Qualunquemente the risk is all right. A success of this magnitude, in fact, can only be achieved if the target is the whole cinema audience possible, not only those who laugh in a film by Woody Allen then, but even those who laugh in a film of Vanzina . The skill of the art in Checco Zalone Luca Medici, already seen in the first film and confermatissima in this second, is to try to make people laugh who distances himself from homophobia and homophobic, who distanced himself from racism and racists, homophobes, but and racists come out of the room with the deaf and subtle awareness that someone has taken them for a ride. Perhaps for a slightly lower level of the script, but I fear that Cetto with this difficult miracle does not happen: those who understand that laughing at the end of that character is an act of love for Calabria and the secessionist Northern League soaked clichés antimeridionali, those who are happy to be away from their culture and bitterly paramafiosa consider which, unfortunately, the film describes all too well the reality of their homeland and those who share more or less consciously paramafiosa that same culture. I had seen the film to tell Gioia Tauro, in short, I do not know what I thought of the laughter in the hall of the car explosion De Sanctis, or processing purpiceddu Melua - made man from prison - in perfect tamarro daddy style. The risk, in short, is that abandoning the size sketch Cetto has taken too much from Riina's leaders Cape, where I have personally seen young people identify with.
do not know if the film would have avoided this risk better written, I do not know if we could write it better. Perhaps the only thing was not groped. The chronicle of these days shows that the first to laugh at the bunga-bunga are those who believe in the syntax, and that instead of the satrap would perhaps even worse, so much to give rise to the suspicion that all was Ambaradan put on by his spin doctor to revive the popularity for this reason I talk about here is not, I'd love he referred to the process in which it accused of being the instigator of the massacres of 1993, however, for example, rather. Whatever. And those who seek to attack him, instead of using the key moralistic and sensationalistic, housed in transmission and then another escort who narrates the deeds but any urologist who says succinctly: gentlemen, a 75 year old work of prostate things now if the dream and nothing else, your Prime Minister is an old helpless. You know that fall in the polls, if they begin to spread the word that we like 'u pilu but does not know what to do!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Fakes Pilar Montenegro


Non partecipo mai alle catene di Sant'Antonio, anche se la mail dice che se non la inoltro a dieci amici avrò tot anni di sventure mentre invece se lo faccio subito tutti i miei desideri si esaudiranno. Se faccio un'eccezione stavolta è per un buon motivo: il Sunshine Award è una lodevole iniziativa di diffusione virale della controinformazione o di altre iniziative editoriali via web. In realtà, non sono nemmeno riuscito a capire se esiste un'organizzazione vera e propria che davvero premia qualcuno, ma il giochino dà soddisfazione in se e accolgo volentieri l'invito a parteciparvi. Arriva dall'amico Diodati che gestisce il bel blog a carattere scientifico Omega centauri , il quale bontà sua (grazie Michele!) put me among the 12 blogs that the regulation seeks to counter it.
Now, I have already a section in the right shoulder, which lists the sites that "counter-very," but first among them there are giants who do not need any publicity, the other gladly take advantage of this opportunity to clarify why among them I have also added some minor brothers blog and refer to other sites that are not naturally in that list.
Here are my twelve chosen (*), which as I take care to warn a regulation to one of my alert, urging them to continue this mechanism autorefenziale and perhaps naive, but certainly a win-win: a caress never hurts anyone.

  1. Antonino Monteleone - This Saviano without the millions already "attention" from the 'Ndrangheta, is an example for all its young citizens, and I would say to all the southerners.
  2. Bandafalò - Not content to keep alive their cultural Cannitello, on that stretch of coastline would be foolish from the Bridge, these guys are for four years also engaged in a humanitarian mission in Côte d'Ivoire. Chapeau, while they wait for the calendar of summer concerts.
  3. Carlo Bertani - I quote very often in my articles, often as useful examination of issues that I deal with more superficially, always with a chicory envy (positive). If I become great by Head of government, I take that as Minister of Education (which then restore the old label, emphasizing public ) or perhaps as a Deputy with responsibility for Energy.
  4. Liberareggio - A group of young men of good will, between this site, a laboratory and many other initiatives, makes it possible to hope for a land, my land, in various ways unfortunate. To encourage in every possible way, too (as I did) attending their events whenever possible.
  5. The event horizon - The "lame duck" does not mince his words, and at a time when women should have a career, especially many others it is a rare gift and out of fashion. Cathartic and instructive.
  6. - Scilla on the web, beautiful Portalino to breath apparently local, her head - and not only that - in dialect (literally means "bad news", but it is a curse-One such as Bologna or Rome sòcmel 'taccitùa ).
  7. Michela Murgia - The young and talented writer is one of those (in the head Loredana Lipperini) who were most outraged at the shameful story of the books to the Veneto, such as in this article called poetic. Reported by Gemma Serena.
  8. Net1news - This kind of blog of blogs is helping so many of us, like other similar initiatives. To encourage and spread.
  9. ReteNoPonte - Recommend this site almost by way of representing tens, united in fighting this battle against the waste and the gift to the Mafia that would be the queen of useless works of all time.
  10. Sbilanciamoci - There are anche economisti che ragionano al di fuori del dogma del monetarismo, e del libro paga delle multinazionali, ed è il loro contributo tecnico che ci serve per ragionare di un futuro diverso. Anzi, di un futuro e basta.
  11. UAAR  - L'Unione Atei Agnostici e Razionalisti è un faro nel buio in un Paese in cui la Chiesa detta da sempre e sempre più la linea politica, peraltro ad esclusivo comodo suo: il bestemmiatore che ti fa risparmiare miliardi di ICI è da contestualizzare, il corruttore di minorenni è stigmatizzato quando proprio non si può più tacere ma in cinese e con cautela, ma sia mai istituisci un registro per il testamento biologico o vorresti regolarizzare il tuo rapporto con quel tipo maggiorenne of the same sex with condoms you goals, then down the barrel with the cross (cruci c'a mine) in his hand.
  12. July 19, 1992 - The day that ended the hope and beginning of the Berlusconi: History will tell if it's a coincidence, if we do not succeed before a court. It 's the site of the Movement Diaries Red Salvatore Borsellino, one that does not give up. Let us imitate him.

(*) This list is in alphabetical order, except the last, which is the most important.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Indian Price For Lakme Eyeshadows

NEWS energy diversity

The news of the day is that yesterday to finally 16e35 entered in place of jurisdiction , where it should remain for 7 years, Totò Cuffaro VasaVasa exponent UdC former president of the Sicilian Region for the center, convicted of aiding and abetting against CosaNostra and violation of the confidentiality of investigations. The character was reported to public attention, and evidently having a private practice from there began his political career, when an evening against the Mafia and organized jointly by Santoro Costanzo began to scream from the floor against Giovanni Falcone , not much time before his friends they did blow up. Years later, the subject had been able, as in the first capable sentenced him to only 5 years excluding the charges of Mafia association outside support, to celebrate publicly as photos for the "lucky escape". His Capodarte Casini, today poleposition leader in the race to the third pole of the center and maybe the Cayman would eventually leave the country (who denies having intention, then it means that we are thinking), at that time he declared that would take on political responsibility in the event of final conviction of her man: thank you, do not need to travel abroad, just to retire from political life, man, Italy needs a modern European right and not legalistic confessional or contiguous organized crime.
... Why
from this news story to talk about energy, why is exactly when they begin to turn on the news interests of the mafia in the field of wind energy and alternative energy sources (at least 5 years, as can be seen scrolling items Ecoblog on, if you do not want to do more extensive research) that you can swear on their affordability. And why nuclear power plants have much more to do with the bridge across the Strait and then (the link is well known, it shows last Wikileaks ) the interests of the mafia than with any other way to produce energy and stimulate the economy: are in fact not the latter aims, but only to create revenue to the usual legal and tangentari known.
An investment flow necessary for the achievement of the four nuclear promises, that is the order of about forty billion euro, if indeed that were made in the time promised, however, solve only a small fraction of our energy balance (between 5 and 10%), when hijacked in the field of alternative energy with strong incentives for micro , in fact, would be sufficient not only to secure for ever the ' energy independence, but would give a boost to small and medium-always the main driver of our economy. Who has time and wants to read this article Carlo Bertani, or interviews with Helen Caldicott few months ago by Beppe Grillo, who does not trust me: From now on, forever, with surplus, and exceptional impact on the business system up to the Fiat. Instead, the nuclear option, before being dangerous, uneconomic : the expenditure for the construction, calculated only from those in convenience to determine the cost of kilowatt nuclear must be added those for the disposal of certain plants after only a few decades of operation, for some reason it always forget - they will be careless, and the possible (but some of us: if we think of how they are treated as ordinary waste and toxic Italy, think about what a nuclear brividino ...) emerged for problems related to storage of waste, not even want to think about because that's where the economic cost of accidents - although huge - it would be less, in a densely populated as ours.
With the preceding paragraph printed in hand now, riguardatevi the cowardly and fraudulent commercial nuclear forum that is raging all hours at the TV as a movie, one that pretends equanimity between those for and against with tricks from page three of manual communication for the people to favor the bull by the favorable (other than just say so repeatedly will cause an equal somehow become commonplace, while we have seen that there is no parity: nuclear is a bad deal for everyone and great for a few ). After mentally mandate fuck the former Green Bean Head and the entire building of its nuclear Forum, now look this below video, where it is understood that the end is doing - and civilized in Finland! - The exact type of nuclear power who are trying to sell us the old lines of the French.
And get ready to vote en masse and make a campaign of persuasion one with all your friends and family: we need a quorum, and it takes the will, the next referendum leave the water in public hands and return to sender radioactive nightmare.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Plastic Round Tablecloths

Are you talking to me?

During his acceptance speech for the Lifetime Achievement Award Golden Globes Awards , Robert De Niro spoke these words, pondering about the fate of a film after its production:

"It's up to the audience to decide if it's entertaining, the critics to decide if it's good."
"It is the public decide whether the film entertains, whether the criticism is good."

Credo che il vecchio Bob abbia centrato il punto e, dopo anni e anni di carriera, abbia ormai una visione chiara su quello che l'industria cinematografica sia stata e sarà nel futuro.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Sims Contents Info.plist

La donna che non è morta abbastanza

Introduco il discorso Hitchcock , ossia la zona operativa della mia tesi, con una piccola esperienza personale. Una sorta di epifania, non la sola, fortunatamente, che ha legato profondamente il mio vissuto con le immagini di una splendida pellicola: Vertigo o La donna che visse due volte .

Questo è il primo dei post “personali” This new editorial direction de Eye Digger, you may want to disassociate the image of a heartless critic who likes to dismantle the work of others (when it deserves it) complaining or immaturity of the viewer current cinema (it amuses me that people rejoice at the box office for the success of Checco Zalone compared to cine-cake, I enjoy it much).

Anyone who knows me knows that my favorite sport, leisure sofa and over the proceedings at a competitive level, you complain of my emotional situation. Today, this ancient and noble employment, it remains only a faded memory. Yet there was a time in which to reflect day and night on this issue, without ever being able to divert my thoughts or sleep. It was an obsession, I wanted to find the source of my dissatisfaction and, perhaps, a possible solution to this problem.
One day I had the revelation. Quoting from the pages of notes from a quadernino:

"I can love only if against the"

At first I did not take too seriously this picture because, perhaps, had not been focusing everything. With time, however, knowing other people and living life everyday, I have more and more convinced of my particular trend. Focusing
per tanti mesi sulle pellicole del maestro della suspence ed in particolare, vedendo e rivedendo il film Vertigo sotto “consiglio” di Slavoj Žižek, ho finalmente capito quale fosse il mio problema. L'ho riconosciuto alla perfezione in una delle molteplici inquadrature soggettive che caratterizzano questo, come tanti altri, film di Hitchcock . In particolare questi due fotogrammi:

Io, così come il protagonista del film Scottie , tendo a riempire l'oggetto del mio desiderio di una serie di aspettative, sogni, speranze ed illusioni that are not part of the constitution of that person. I am my own projection, my ghost. Scottie will never love any Judy if not masquerading as Madeleine, the woman he loved and lost as you seem to look like so much.
Love, like the rest of human passions, is a dangerous game no doubt. One wrong move could affect the whole course of the game.

cinema, especially this film, may be our staff psychologist, available 24 / 7. A good film, as well as a good friend, can advise you on what to do and help you understand the existence.

Do not be afraid to look, and let look.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Maxine Cartoons To Send To Friends


I'm no economist, but my university studies in those distant subjects clearly were good enough to leave me a pension that can still read the Sun without che mi si incrocino gli occhietti santi. Posso parlare di moneta, dunque, con qualche speranza di non dire troppe cavolate, ma nello stesso tempo essendo abbastanza ignorante da farmi capire da chi è ignorante. Si perchè come il calcio è una di quelle cose in cui tutti credono di capirci ma pochi in realtà sono davvero competenti, pochi anche tra quelli che lo hanno giocato e lo giocano, così la moneta un conto è essere capace di guadagnare denaro o di giocare sui mercati finanziari coi soldi propri e altrui un conto è capire cosa diavolo davvero sia e perchè costituisca il reale ricettacolo del Potere. Parliamone allora terra-terra, e pazienza se i tecnici storceranno il musino.
Nei cartoni di B.C. gli prehistoric men exchanged shells, because they already sensed that it was more practical and do not go around with all the fruits of his labor on the rump. Imagine then do a role-playing game is to build a society: we should soon provide it with any currency to facilitate trade. The first question then is: than they need? The answer is a sufficient quantity to all trade, someone else would be forced to continue with barter, and maybe not all the existing ones, but those who hope to take place during the reporting period (say, next year) . The amount of money must be right, otherwise:
  • if it is not, there will be someone to whom one is missing, and those in surplus and will soon raise the price (the 'interest ) like any scarce good, and both mean that there are around fewer people willing to buy things (" haul domestic demand," say the experts)
  • if it is more, there will be more people willing to buy things things to sell, and sellers can increase prices (the ' inflation) which in practice reduces the real value of money in the hands of those who did, returning to equilibrium after an initial transfer of wealth to those who can freely raise their income (an example We have all seen: At the beginning of Euro traders) while for fixed income earners in practice inflation is a tax ;
and must be the right of any kind is the authority that is required to give money, and whatever system that adopts this authority to do so:
  • The issuer . For millennia, the power to coin money is left in the hands of one person, the absolute ruler of the village chief, with the sunset of absolutism, he moved to the liberal state, and, recently, private supranational entity. The question says a lot about what the real structure of power today: uno Stato che non batte moneta è solo parzialmente sovrano .
  • Il sistema . La moneta per millenni dalla sua invenzione ebbe valore intrinseco: ogni dischetto di metallo valeva quello che valeva il metallo di cui era composto. Un grosso limite per chi non aveva abbastanza oro, una grande fonte di ispirazione per gli scrittori di storie di pirati e forzieri. Il vincolo fu allentato da un invenzione italiana implementata dai mercanti soprattutto olandesi: la cartamoneta . Geniale: io "banchiere" mi tengo i pezzi d'oro e ti do un pezzo di carta con su scritto che chi lo detiene ha diritto di venire da me a prendersi i pezzi d'oro, e con quello pago un altro e questo magari altri e così on, until only the last of the series may withdraw the gold but in the meantime many have made the trade without inflating the pockets, and a lot of trade with the gold, while the banker has even lent the gold to someone who had need in exchange for an interest which makes its profit. Yeah, but if the banks lend gold instead of the other paper money, maybe too many times the value of gold in hand? Without a check on inflation, even hyperinflation, was too high: it was necessary for the function to print it fell under the province came from the state, so that from then on for a few centuries ago and circulate paper money as much gold in the coffers. Each State. And down so many good stories about Fort Knox.
  • Noodles, I want to rob the Federal Reserve
  • Max, you're crazy!
Col large-scale international trade, however, it was thought that it was more comfortable doing so: one state, the strongest, the one with the most gold coin circulates in the consideration than it has in safe and for the other, fixed exchange rate with its currency parameter to the relative wealth. The State had the U.S., the dollar coin, masters of the world leaders of the private bank that issues the currency, the Federal Reserve . Yes, that's what you want to rob Max pretended to be betrayed by Noodles in Once Upon a Time in America . For the bankers it seemed enough until a sustainable development model based on infinite growth and the inclusion of more and more sectors of the population in the great circus of consumerism, until that continue to enrich themselves excessively for the elite did not clash was in fact helped albeit by a modest enrichment of the lower classes, who also agreed sproletarizzare under the Cold War and the fight against communism. When it became clear to them, of course a few years before the others, that the world had finite resources and development model that would soon be shown the ropes, that there was no tripe for cats and the oil would end within a few decades, the first act was to drop the dollar from gold also: was 1971 and began the contemporary monetary era, two years after the first oil crisis broke out would be dead and the myth of the fabulous Sixties.
The process started at that time was the second law of thermodynamics necessarily an end, and in fact you are about to conclude, with the total control by an elite world how much money there has to be around. The stages of this process are obviously variously staggered in space. The latest in Europe have been the privatization of central banks and the creation of the single European currency issued by a central bank to turn private. The first thing outside the scope of political, parliamentary, therefore, the issuing banks, which tends to corruption in a country like ours is also good, if you will, not least that MPs we elect them, while the bankers do not. , after which a Member must if he wants to borrow money from its central bank, and here is the famous " debt."
Notice the surge of the curve at the time of CAF
Does anyone even claims that the debt is wholly caused by the fact that the state borrows the money it needs to be an independent Central Bank, but if so currency sovereign states to not have debt, but in Italy the leap from a physiological to a pathological share of debt took place under the "kingdom" Craxi, before the "privatization" of the Bank of Italy. The Italy of 1992 was on the brink of bankruptcy, and the paradigm shift that led to the season of austerity designed to be within the Maastricht criteria in view of access to the Euro appeared to many who had experienced the squandered and shameless theft of an entire political class and a good chunk of people in tow, as required by a horse, a last resort, however, before the final sudamericanizzazione the country. Now, maybe it is true that even then were grim monetarist policies directed covert Euro project, but it is equally true that it would be worse than falling foul of a modus vivendi intolerable. This is because money is what I tried to outline first, and if a state has sovereignty monetary uses it to print a lot more money to what constitutes the real value of trade within it, however, with the ultimate goal to create a surplus of welfare-to-use one hand to forage bramosie private di una èlite e dall'altro per comprare il consenso della popolazione consentendo un aumento dei consumi, prima o poi il gioco mostra la corda: a meno di non essere l'unico Stato al mondo, ovvero riuscire a fare del tutto a meno degli scambi internazionali (cd. autarchia ), quello Stato vedrà la sua moneta valere meno tendenzialmente fino al punto di equilibrio che ha rotto creandone troppa. Il che è come ribadire che  comunque si crei la moneta, il suo quantitativo in giro deve essere quello che serve, nè più nè meno, indipendentemente da chi abbia il potere di crearla . Non è affatto detto che se lo hanno banchieri privati sia peggio che se lo hanno i politici per tramite State: although in the latter case, at least in theory are subject elected and then removable, in practice the political class in Italy has often found ways of making essentially immune (most recently with an electoral law called "pig" by his own extensors) from a normal democratic process, and that's why in 90 years that this power might be extended to European banks seemed to many of us a heavenly blessing.
The point is that the promise of a monetary union that had just preceded the union tax, politico, politics: the end of this path, it could and perhaps we can hope for a ECB "nationalized" by the United States' Europe, the new entity policy that, thanks to their monetary sovereignty restored, to compete with China, India and Brazil (assuming they hold up) U.S. and thus defend their socio-economic and cultural model that has enabled some generations after the Second World War to thrive. Globalization led monetarist, however, soon will appoint the final demise of our first model in favor of the U.S. (is this key that you have read the action of Marchionne: American workers can not accept that conditions are maintained to the best their Italian counterparts, who are now in the same industrial group ...) and after that China. And this necessarily, because you can not keep the masses of workers under conditions of semi-subsistence farming with good manners, even the end of the ideological superstructure that we call democracy ... Instead
not only the only thing that is made is the monetary union, but this was improvidently extended to reality much less compatible in terms of indices of the real economy than they already were among the countries of their original € , a reality that in practice the hands and feet are delivered to an institution controlled by individuals not elected as the ECB thinks that within its interests and its dogmas, and not worry I will not say welfare But even the physical survival of our citizens. Here the Greek crisis then the Irish and now who knows what else, if the currency must be the real wealth, two countries that are in this very different from each other may not have the same currency, period, and if the poorer we test comes out with broken bones (technically, the two countries tend to an equilibrium point probably well below the level of full employment of the poorest countries).
Before monetarism was the function of money, and hopefully will be again after just exactly that in an economy will enable them to carry out all the exchanges necessary that all work and have a roof and food, more poi magari pure qualcos'altro, eventualmente. Per tornare a questa funzione, quindi, occorrerebbe che si diffondesse una conoscenza politica di questi temi tale che riemergano prima e diventino maggioritarie o comunque incidenti poi forze politiche che si pongano come obiettivo una Unione Europea ristretta e a moneta sovrana che difenda la piena occupazione dei propri cittadini, o in subordine uno Stato nazionale a moneta sovrana che tenti la stessa cosa. Il secondo scenario è più semplice da tentare ma con molti maggiori pericoli, sia in assoluto perchè di dimensioni insufficienti a reggere l'urto internazionale (sarebbe classico il vaso di coccio tra i vasi di ferro) sia perchè in Italia si dovrebbe fare i conti con l'innata propensione all'irresponsabilità (Yes, just look in the mirror) for which we are present in the dichotomy between public morality and private profit and immediate.
Even if this movement of ideas born and is strengthened, however, intervenes to complicate matters that is not only the Central Bank to create money , but also the banking system and financial sectors, and in recent decades they have increasingly acted in self and uncontrolled:
  • banks riprestare the play several times the same money (technically called "fractional reserve ", in practice, banks are obliged to keep on hand only a fraction of the money spin after having borrowed dalla banca centrale pagandole un interesse basso chiamato " tasso di sconto "), che se svolto con misura è un volano per l'economia e la trasmissione della politica economica, costituisce un fattore di rischio in caso di cortocircuiti nel sistema di controllo (il controllore controllato dai controllati) come quelli in vigore (ricordo che sono le stesse banche a dividersi la proprietà delle banche centrali privatizzate e queste ultime quella della Banca Centrale Europea). Così, col tempo la frazione si è ridotta al minimo: oggi è al 2%, significa che ogni 100 euro prestati dalla banca centrale alle banche private si crea moneta per 5000 circa (chi non si fida si legga i conti qui );
  • the financial system is infinitely more complicated: Let's see, even though at the risk of outline too. The bags are created to convey directly to the companies' money savers, and to what they did just that their role had functional effects cyclic. If my company needs money, in fact, or will I borrow from banks or the stock exchange and investors will be to give it to me in exchange for shares, then if the company goes well the share price rises and vice versa. Multiplying the reasoning, we should have so much money around as it is the financial value in real terms of total listed companies, subject to fluctuations around this value that give measure financial performance and form the line around which lie those we lost and those who gain from the play. Those of you who remember when the 80 began to turn the financial advisers? They were the first (remember them today, "soft") subjects who felt the remoteness of that world from that of the concrete could allow some room for gains too often tied to patterns called "Ponzi " or " chain letters. " Many, even those who swear there is not. Especially ones. Slowly, the financial economy has turned up to be mostly represented by certificates that include securities that include bonds and betting on the performance of other securities and so on. Here are the prices of raw materials such as oil, or houses, are determined by supply and demand no more of those goods on the market but the securities that are betting on the trend of their prices. Here it may happen to be encouraged to take out a mortgage and meeting again after a few years not being able to pay neither more nor cancel, because the house is now worth much less than the outstanding installments.
And here there's no realistic way for a sovereign state to control the amount of money circulating in its territory , for example that would be enough to full employment of its people decide the financial markets and international monetary authorities that type of stage has to go through this or that country, if one where there is money for everyone (even more for the few, but a little ' for all others) or one in which many end hunger in order to enable the few to continue the level as before. So much so that in the latter the international financial crisis almost never have found the money to allow you to save the skin to its citizens, almost always there were - and many - to cover the holes in the banks, and I'm talking about is public money therefore my and your. Those same money that a democratic government could use to ensure monetarist excellent service and work more or less free. provocation Cantona therefore will be of no practical effect was a joke, but it has taken on what should be the political enemy of those who still want to aim at a society (capitalist, for heaven's sake: here there are nostalgic for DDR) that provide work and bread for personal growth and economic opportunity to its members. At the next
policies, then, let's take a vote who should include in its program a radical downsizing of the economy in finance , the return to public ownership of banks of issue (at European level if possible, otherwise national); and a monetary policy based on the original functions of the currency as a tool to issue a sovereign real economy, that is working to the extent it functional. If in the meantime scandals have swept away and disintegrated the PDL, which is reflected in the PD, we would have some hope of finding the political subject on the ballot.

Insights :

Monday, January 17, 2011

Western Concho Pendants Wholesale

Il collezionista di sguardi

As I announced last week, my intention is to propose a mega-giga riassuntone three years of my thesis (available for download HERE ) and explain that the role had Blog of "The Eye Digger" in my company.

The main premise is that you have put a great attention to the relationship of the viewer with the show and, in turn, thereby linking these two elements, namely: the look.
Wanting to be very little academic and almost provocative, I want to say that there are no film "beautiful" and film "bad." The decision can be made on a film has a very large component of subjectivity (therefore involves the sphere of our lives) and, if not to toy during an evening with friends, you should not express an opinion on the claims apodictic a work of art, whether film or other.

The film must not be looked to be judged in its aesthetic form (I like / I do not like) with claims to universality, the viewer has to work in pairs both eyes that are provided to have a complete view of ' object of this gaze.
eye viewer considers the scope of aesthetics, of subjectivity and allows me, as well as the discretion to hear the film at a more intense, emotionally. This is a key component in the cinema, especially contemporary ones, which requires strong enjoyment by the audience and seeks to provide in every way. Through the eye of the viewer (or common eye) we are able to spend a pleasant evening with a comedy or a horror film with an equally pleasant to enjoy content in different ways (always different) from our eyes.
eye digging, however, is a rational component that has no right to trial. Not concerned with the pleasure of a movie, but extrapolates the basic components and deals at outside enjoyment. This is the eye of the philosopher to the movies, who manages to set aside their own personal pleasure to take a positive and a "bad movie" if this has a great historical force.

The operation started with this blog was, in my experience, fundamental. Without the numerous analysis addressed on this web space I could not have bones to make me a path so intricate and, above all, I could not convince myself of the validity of this theory. Every movie has something to say, if not at the level of film history, perhaps at a sociological. If not a sociological level, perhaps at a psychological level, and so on. Since each film is possible to extrapolate something to build their cultural building and discover new things about the world and its inhabitants. If we stop at the aesthetic categories and enjoyment, all this loss of meaning and purpose would be to their filmic vision masturbation and total staff (as well as, in my opinion, will end the history of commercial cinema).
The enjoyment is undoubtedly a good thing. Indeed, it is the highest peak of the positivity, both physically and psychologically, and is probably the modern translation of the word "happiness".
But enjoyment is not enough. The philosopher is not enough to be happy because even in misery there is much to discover e molto da indagare, forse molto più di quanto si creda.

Giudicare un film è una parte del lavoro, chi giudica senza senza scavare sarà sempre orbo di un occhio.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shadow Pikachu For Sale


Image The Seks Report
Pending a ruling on the constitutionality of such failure (*), the Court held four eligible referendum, including its the integral on the repeal of the law that provides . The other three include two the privatization of water and a the return to nuclear power, issues for the future of us all far more incidents of this kind of litigation arising borderline with the law to boast a 'interview have also drawn up in youth thesis of others for a fee.
The first theme, I recommend a visit to the site of the Committee for referendum I record each time to collect signatures, and word of mouth capillary vote YES repeal of rules designed to make the market even the primary good par excellence (After which lacks only the air), hoping that consultations are being brought together in local elections in the spring fortune.
The second, just read Carlo Bertani, who writes very well of energy. We are in a location that we can ensure energy self-sufficiency through renewable sources, which also would be flying to many new small and medium-sized enterprises, and will end on that land that we will overcome even by newcomers while we sacrificed million € in uneconomical and dangerous totem copious bribes definitely related.
While they expect to vote in this referendum, and maybe for le elezioni politiche, ci sono votazioni cruciali dentro una fabbrica a Torino. Dove c'è un tizio che ha fatto un piano industriale fantascientifico (tutte quelle macchine non le venderebbe mai, nemmeno se domani uscisse con dieci nuovi modelli tutti indiscutibilmente migliori della concorrenza, figurarsi in una realtà che è l'opposto) e vuole darci a bere di poterlo attuare semplicemente riportando gli operai a condizioni di lavoro ottocentesche, mentre in Germania ad esempio fanno esattamente l'opposto e infatti vendono un sacco di ottime macchine. In breve (ma se avete più tempo leggetevi il gustosissimo resoconto di Lameduck ) il tizio in questione minaccia, se il referendum/ricatto to see him defeated, to leave Canada, abandon the practice of all the Italian factories of a group that would become all-American, but this is not so much scandal. The scandal is a prime minister declaring that if he did he would do well, without forgetting that the Italian state and sounding a thousand ways in which his contribution was essential to its development and its survival Fiat would have closed long ago, while the so-called opposition Democratic Party has ruled in favor of the owners not only in the person of former secretary and candidate for mayor Fassino, but even in the new spreads, the mayor of the most beloved Italian (successor in the current Governor of Calabria Scopelliti) Renzi, già noto per essere andato in pellegrinaggio ad Arcore prima ancora di avere un ruolo alla guida nazionale del partito (gli altri hanno cominciato il lecchinaggio in una fase successiva), che ha dichiarato di stare  dalla parte di Marchionne senza se e senza ma . Come dire, siamo senza speranza .

(*) nel frattempo la Corte Costituzionale ha sostanzialmente demolito l'impianto del provvedimento, al punto che è incerto si possa svolgere il referendum relativo (deciderà la Cassazione), riaffermando l'elementare principio che è il giudice che deve decidere di volta in volta la sussistenza dell'impedimento e la sua legittimità, e chi se no? la cosa was also obvious to the drafters of the law, if not for the inspiration: the supreme court could never accept that any citizen, as an important position, he decided that his job prevented him once and for all to show up for trial (but not, for example, to organize feasts with grandchildren of foreign heads of state?)? but above all, how many know that such failure was already sufficiently regulated order, and applies to all of us, except that from time to time is precisely the court to assess the merits of whether there really and truly valid reasons? the fact is that they move better than anyone else in the dust only, and therefore can only wait for what will be the next to raise ...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Ac Adapter Ad 200-12p

Anno nuovo, sguardo nuovo!

L’Occhio Scavatore è rimasto chiuso negli ultimi mesi, si è fatto un bel sonnellino.

Devo ammettere che tra gli impegni degli ultimi tempi ed una piccola dose di demoralizzazione (che non guasta mai) non ho avuto molta voglia di continuare con il blog. Difatti questo “esperimento” è nato fondamentalmente per testare le mie capacità di scrittore (e non recensore, attenzione) about the world of cinema. A sort of mental preparation for the preparation of the thesis and the creation of a portfolio at the prospect of any external collaboration in the future.
These collaborations have arrived and some time writing on these sites online, which I highly recommend watching:

The Ed

During this period of slumber ' Eye Digger I received mail from ShinyStat , the hit counter, which indicates that some traveler continues to go from sad and desolate pages on my blog. This, from a certain point of view, I heartening. I did not want to investigate who they were, but I've got some ideas.

The design for the new year is to give new life to this space online, continue to write about movies, but adding something else that may be more suited to the environment of the blog as a form of personal communication.
From the point of view "editorial " I was thinking about the post shorter, more frequent and easier to enjoy, while avoiding the mini-essays that I have proposed so far, concentrating perhaps on one or two particular sequences of the film concerned to investigate the philosophical dimension of the filmic text.

So without further ado, metterò online qualche brano della mia tesi: L'Occhio Scavatore, analisi delle pulsioni nel cinema di Alfred Hitchcock , per darvi l'idea di come l’Occhio Scavatore ha fatto il salto dal digitale al cartaceo, fino ad arrivare alla mia voce parlante di fronte alla commissione per la discussione della tesi in Filosofie e problemi dell’intersoggettività .

A presto!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Male Brazilian Waxing In Tampa

who follows me knows how much I love live music, one that increasingly - and rightly so - the only thing to make a living musicians, when we have buried forever retrive forms of copyright. It's will Faber ten sessionmen statements are combined into a very interesting project: to recreate the songs of Fabrizio De Andrè in their original arrangements, both live and studio. A true cover band, in fact (the tribute band instead reinterpret in a more or less heavy pieces of their rivals), but without that excess of amateurism that is often riscontra nel settore: se fai i Dire Straits devi avere almeno un mostro della chitarra, se fai i Genesis anche uno con dieci anni di conservatorio al piano. Se fai De Andrè devi avere uno con la voce bassa e piena (che non si incavernisce e depotenzia scendendo di tono) che quando sale si asciuga e picchia netta (senza andare di naso o peggio infalsettirsi): questi non solo hanno il cantante giusto, come raramente mi era capitato con altre band analoghe, ma sono davvero tutti quanti bravi. L'effetto del concerto, cui ho assistito ieri al Teatro Golden a Roma, era per certi aspetti più sorprendente dello stesso tour meritatamente trionfale di Cristiano De Andrè , anche se ovviamente non può ambire a quel livello sia per i mezzi in the field and the magical presence of the child clone (no offense to his artistic autonomy: that is the physical likeness and voice impresses ...).
From their Facebook page that will warn me on 17 at the Teatro Ghione in a free evening event dedicated to Gaber and Faber: If you go there, you will not regret.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Credit Card Spc Number


Only a Master competing for the top-ten all-time could tackle a subject like ' beyond ( Hereafter the beautiful English word I translate literally in the title) remaining in perfect balance on a knife edge here and there with the chasms of religious and paranormal unsolved Hollywood. Clint Eastwood here may not have reached the heights of Million Dollar Baby or Gran Torino, but the theme was definitely and dramatically more difficult to treat, at least maintaining a grace and style that will not offend the sensibilities to no one, neither of whom has a faith or to those who do not have, nor of those who love the movies that come out of the track nor the logic of those who (like me) but usually horrified when the its edge is also solo stiracchiato troppo (strappato, esco dal cinema, a meno che non fossi stato avvertito preventivamente dalle indicazioni di genere: adoro la fantascienza, ad esempio, ma deve essere dichiarata).
Oltre che girato benissimo, il film è scritto magnificamente, coi fili che si riannodano in maniera naturale senza necessitare di colpi di scena o " sospensioni dell'incredulità ". Così, l'ennesima scommessa riuscita dell'eroe-erede di Sergio Leone lascia semplicemente lo spettatore inchiodato alla poltrona per tutta la pellicola, e poi dopo ad interrogarsi sui titoli di coda cosa diavolo stia progettando adesso sto ragazzino di ottant'anni. Un'età, tra l'altro, in cui il pensiero of death should make you a lot 'of the company, and how.
If you think about it, knowing that he must die is exactly what distinguishes man from other animals, which marks the beginning of the Adult in every child. Managing this knowledge is so difficult that without going crazy on this deal were born and flourished all established religions and many other things, from philosophy to the fun, through identification with the football team or anything longer than a chief concern for human life and the relationship with the subsidiary. And 'here that Clint and gets back his poncho with a cigar in his mouth half calmly takes us from the collar and hisses by pointing us on his eye ice "that Death, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing more nothing less than the condition logic to appreciate life .'s life, or should we say the Quiadesso .
MONDAY ' January 10 at 10:30 am at the TEMPLE EGYPTIAN the Verano cemetery in Rome (entrance in Via Tiburtina - Square of the Crusades, after 200 meters on the right) will take the leave to lay Giancarlo Fornari . Speakers many people for whom he is quidopo , and will be forever ...

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Fur Wallpaper For Sale

HAPPY NEW YEAR , each in his own house! SHADE TREE

Se non bastasse la crisi economica a sconsigliare le spese tutto sommato superflue, da oggi è in vigore a Roma la tassa di soggiorno , il cui intento è fare un po' di cassa nel presupposto che non sarà in grado di incidere sulla domanda di turismo nella Capitale (altrimenti sarebbe un cazz'e tutt'uno , per dirla come usano a Oxford).
Mentre gli apocalittici suggeriscono che il kerosene sarà il primo derivato del petrolio a cui dovremo rinunciare dopo il picco, e quindi i viaggi aerei torneranno ad essere pochi e cari come prima degli anni ottanta, i pratici cominciano ad attrezzarsi. Stelio Fantan tells us what happens in the United Kingdom.

WikiLeaks: US-UK tax authorities to the role of third wheel
of Stelio Fantan

Playing on WikiLeaks, a confidential exchange of notes between London and Washington, two themes away, and at the same time, neighbors. That is, tax and travel. In particular, in terms of transit and of navigation, we discuss flights from the UK right into the heart of the U.S. and vice versa. In the distance, however, opinions in transit between U.S. diplomats busy contemplating the air distances that shrink linger across the Atlantic, suddenly, on a range of economic policy, tax and cynically, decided by the Executive UK. This is for a tax on air flights which, for nearly two decades, dating back to the early 90s, applies strictly on departures from UK airports, with no exclusions.
The climb of the tax on flights irritate Washington
The levy imposed on travelers leaving the United Kingdom by booking a flight, has a long history of bitterness behind tax. Until last November but the clashes were internal to the various lobbies in Britain. In practice, airlines and Confederation of British Industry on a critical slope, the government and environmentalists on the bench opposite. Result, continued growth years of sampling. At the debut, in fact, that in '94, the heavy tax designed for air travel is 5 pounds on each ticket sold. You go up instead of 10 pounds, but only if the flight is first class, reserved for the business, and the destination beyond the borders of the European Economic Area. Then in '97 the first experimented with a fee upward revision, in effect doubling. The end coincides with November 1 this year, when the British Executive gives the final go-ahead to a further increase. Accounting standpoint, now the tax, closely related to the mileage of a range within intervallo la cui base minima è pari a 85 sterline, mentre la soglia limite si ferma a 170 sterline. Penalizzati, naturalmente, i voli su distanze extra-Europa. Usa in primis . Da qui l’origine del malessere fiscale registrato da Wikileaks e certificato negli scambi di note tra i diplomatici Usa e il Dipartimento di Stato, cioè il Ministero degli Esteri statunitense.
La tassa che assicura entrate
D’altra parte, le obiezioni sia delle lobby interne sia di attori esteri, si son sempre dovute scontrare con la realtà contabile d’una tassa il cui gettito, nel corso degli anni, non ha mai conosciuto crisi. Nell'anno d’esordio, per esempio, assicurò British public accounts, which was already looking for more resources, a revenue of 1 billion pounds. Revenue, over time, have seen increasing their weight to the 2miliardi 2009. But with the escalation in force since November 1, 2010, by 2014-2015 the revenue estimated should be equal to 3.5 billion pounds. A valuable crop, especially in times of crisis.