Sunday, February 27, 2011

Indian Wedding Lenghas


The thing that most of the stride of each other Libyan view from here is how the same media that compactly curious about a few months ago Comments and benevolent leader Gaddafi visits to Rome complete with a tent and Amazons hostess with locally recruited extras in case of conversion from our prime minister paid tribute with a lot of kissing and formal recognition status of historical / political, the same media now speak of the same subject as a bloody dictator point. At the end of Berlusconi himself was forced all'autosmentita, yet another career as her consent, historically based in the bowels of his electorate than in gray matter, so he does not care about logic. Others, those constituencies that care for them, however, can not do.
For the rest, as with other North African events, we understand very little, and then we fix a set of fixed points, maybe the truth came out the difference:
  • in Tunisia was made a dictator put them out by a coup led by Italian, paid at the time by munificent hospitality during his lifetime to the thief now in the process of beatification, which inspired him;
  • Ruby's uncle in Egypt rose quickly from being a guarantor of secularism and freedom than the ferocious dictator, but the current situation where cheating had actually established that status - that is where still is: in the army - and what was is and will be the real freedom of the Egyptians;
  • in both countries and said the people were really hungry, and-directed or not it was was the star of the rebellions;
  • in Libya instead of the few careful observers (hence the site Oil ) agree to talk about a civil war with ancient roots rather than a popular uprising against a unanimous the tyrant (and here too the conspiracy listen well, rather than rejecting a priori);
  • if the ' articolessa of Scalfari , which in part supports the editorial antiberlusconismo vulgate "democratic" of the riots, the strokes theme oil (or rather, in the case of Libya, natural gas), this means that we just guesses and much;
  • in ogni caso, la voglia di "democrazia" è al massimo tra le motivazioni minoritarie eventuali e non efficienti degli accadimenti in questione.
Petrolio è anche il titolo dell'ultimo lavoro di Pasolini, uscito postumo, che postula la centralità del caso Eni (uccisione di Mattei per finto incidente) nella storia d'Italia. Ne ho visto di recente a teatro un bell'adattamento di Fabio Morgan, Superstar , non sono riuscito a trovare se e dove sia replicato d'ora in avanti, ma cercatelo: si capiscono tante cose perfino della storia recente e della cronaca. Pasolini era un poeta, anche quando scriveva prosa o girava pellicola, e like all true poets, a prophet. To hear songs like this we can only hope they are wrong, or rather do everything possible to prevent the fulfillment of his prophecy, which, unfortunately, so far has taken us almost always ...


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