Sunday, February 27, 2011

Indian Wedding Lenghas


The thing that most of the stride of each other Libyan view from here is how the same media that compactly curious about a few months ago Comments and benevolent leader Gaddafi visits to Rome complete with a tent and Amazons hostess with locally recruited extras in case of conversion from our prime minister paid tribute with a lot of kissing and formal recognition status of historical / political, the same media now speak of the same subject as a bloody dictator point. At the end of Berlusconi himself was forced all'autosmentita, yet another career as her consent, historically based in the bowels of his electorate than in gray matter, so he does not care about logic. Others, those constituencies that care for them, however, can not do.
For the rest, as with other North African events, we understand very little, and then we fix a set of fixed points, maybe the truth came out the difference:
  • in Tunisia was made a dictator put them out by a coup led by Italian, paid at the time by munificent hospitality during his lifetime to the thief now in the process of beatification, which inspired him;
  • Ruby's uncle in Egypt rose quickly from being a guarantor of secularism and freedom than the ferocious dictator, but the current situation where cheating had actually established that status - that is where still is: in the army - and what was is and will be the real freedom of the Egyptians;
  • in both countries and said the people were really hungry, and-directed or not it was was the star of the rebellions;
  • in Libya instead of the few careful observers (hence the site Oil ) agree to talk about a civil war with ancient roots rather than a popular uprising against a unanimous the tyrant (and here too the conspiracy listen well, rather than rejecting a priori);
  • if the ' articolessa of Scalfari , which in part supports the editorial antiberlusconismo vulgate "democratic" of the riots, the strokes theme oil (or rather, in the case of Libya, natural gas), this means that we just guesses and much;
  • in ogni caso, la voglia di "democrazia" è al massimo tra le motivazioni minoritarie eventuali e non efficienti degli accadimenti in questione.
Petrolio è anche il titolo dell'ultimo lavoro di Pasolini, uscito postumo, che postula la centralità del caso Eni (uccisione di Mattei per finto incidente) nella storia d'Italia. Ne ho visto di recente a teatro un bell'adattamento di Fabio Morgan, Superstar , non sono riuscito a trovare se e dove sia replicato d'ora in avanti, ma cercatelo: si capiscono tante cose perfino della storia recente e della cronaca. Pasolini era un poeta, anche quando scriveva prosa o girava pellicola, e like all true poets, a prophet. To hear songs like this we can only hope they are wrong, or rather do everything possible to prevent the fulfillment of his prophecy, which, unfortunately, so far has taken us almost always ...

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Sherish Kalie Marie Mountfile

covers Andrea Pazienza for
Vecchioni: 1) Monte Cristo (1981)
When I read the list of participants and the voting rules I immediately thought that perhaps this year, breaking a long tradition of absence, I looked at Sanremo, at least one turn of the songs dei big, e così ho fatto sabato. Mi sono volutamente perso tutto il resto, prima e dopo, e da quello che ho visto su youtube ho fatto proprio bene:
  • Benigni sfrutta ancora residue vestigia del suo vecchio genio ma è decisamente bollito e già si era visto in Pinocchio;
  • Luca e Paolo hanno conquistato sul campo il rinnovo del contratto con Mediaset dando vita a un teatrino inqualificabile, quintessenza proprio dello stile Iene o Striscialanotizia, " facciamo finta di fare satira così il nostro padrone può dire di essere democratico e ne approfittiamo per veicolare messaggi falsi come ad esempio descrivere come uno sputtanamento reciproco tra due vecchi amici una vicenda nient'affatto paritaria che vede uno forse coinvolto in una magagna immobiliare del cognato ma l'altro processato per dei reati gravissimi e personali ";
  • la bionda e la mora di quest'anno corrispondono allo scavo dopo che si è toccato il fondo, una tutta rifatta che si qualifica anche per le proprie scelte sentimentali oltre che artistiche, l'altra che sono anni che imperversa sull'etere ma non si è mai capito davvero cosa diavolo sappia fare.
2) interno ed esterno di Robinson (1979)
Le canzoni invece erano meno peggio del solito, almeno in percentuale, e anche se il pur temperato ricorso al televoto poteva far temere l'ennesima vittoria di un cavallo di scuderia (De Filippi o X-factor poco importa) alla fine anche i risultati sono stati decenti come forse non si vedeva dai tempi degli Avion travel o giù fino a Per Elisa di Battiato cantata da Alice (per trovare una vincente più bella bisogna tornare ai tempi di Volare ).
Mi sono sorpreso, e sorprenderò chi mi conosce, nel giudicare mio vincitore personale Albano Carrisi : Amanda è libera  ha bel testo, melodia non scontata, arrangement guessed, and has even played with a measure that stentorian Puglia interpreter had never performed (which I must say, the meeting will have done well with artistic Caparezza ...), limited for the first time in a way only acute that for the rest of his piece vocal talents can be appreciated better than when he screams all the time.
Very very interesting guy who has won one of the new proposals, the incredible choice of quality (also won the critics' prize) we hear of course, such a Raphael Gualazzi is forgiven his name with pi-academic .
3) The Big Dream (1984) and 4) Hollywood Hollywood (1982)
But the reason why I decided to smear the criminal record of the writing is only the festivalone victory Flack, and not because Call still love it the best song of the festival: the text - but since it is not new Vecchioni - maybe yes, but the music was really sentitissima a autoplagio dozens of other pieces of "recent" the singer-songwriter Milan. Least of the song is among his best: the "Professor" has written hundreds of songs, dozens more of this beautiful triumphant. No, for a much more personal reason: When Flack expressed the best of its record production, I'm talking about the years between 1973 and 1985, and in particular the three years 76/78, myself was a teenager in love with his music to the point write a complete exegesis piece by piece, so I keep typed with illustrations by hand. In 1983, when now the singer had been overwhelmed by the "ebb" and Flack as many of his colleagues also played live in tiny villages, even had the chance to meet him in person: cantava in piazza a Cardeto , un buco alle falde dell'Aspromonte, e il retropalco era casa dei genitori della mia amica Pina, dove io mi aggiravo col manoscritto sperando di avere l'occasione di sottoporlo all'attenzione del Maestro; quando lo ebbi davanti, per fortuna, ebbi il pudore di non rompergli le scatole e a stento lo salutai, contraccambiato gentilmente. Il concerto, bellissimo, lui Mauro Paoluzzi e credo Massimo Luca alle chitarre, oggi si direbbe unplugged ma è che nella piazza di Cardeto proprio non c'era spazio per un palco più grande, l'ho visto dal balcone del primo piano, praticamente da sopra la testa degli artisti, e ancora lo ricordo tutto. Era appena uscito Hollywood Hollywood , third in a series of four albums, illustrated by Andrea Pazienza , so to speak of sacred monsters, objects, who kept the last time when the record companies could do their job.
For these reasons, I speak of Vecchioni as an old friend. And I may say that its record production after For my love (so in the last twenty years) sees the relationship between tip things altogether prescindibili and masterpieces: the latter repeated in 70 were at least 90% in each album, but even now looking at each exit is a good gem. As Euridice 1993, Conversation with a sad lady blue 1995, station Zima 1997, Portrait of a Lady in pink satin 1999, or the wonderful Viola winter of 2002. All speak only of love and death, because there is something else in life?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Puppy Holding Urine For 6 Hrs

half sleeves stuffed with artichokes and beef stew

Here is a first course and great scenery that can be inserted into a buffet or refreshments. Since it's a video, click on the link below to view:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Cake Ideas For Runners

Funds artichokes baked with mild grilled ham gratin

Venetian dishes. There are several variations, this is one that I do.
Since it's a video to view it click on the following link:

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Give Difference Between Thermocoal And Styrofoam


If the bunga-bunga I deliberately avoided mentioning, due to the fact that at least I suspect that there will even make a sketch (fake) in the Holy Temple of satirical prime raiuno of Sanremo, which to me such a Solange Manfredi would like the mobilization against the Cayman and maybe his fall came to any of the other much more serious "sins" that on the rump, African riots so far I have not spoken for a very different reason: I struggle to get an idea precise.
So, not to prolong the silence, I put down the piece a series of links that make reason for this confusion, between those who welcomed the revival of the masses of the dispossessed against the tyrants and those who remember that those who today find it hard not to call tyrants Yesterday was the respectable bastions of the West against fundamentalism, who accuse Americans of being the puppet master all the color revolutions of recent years and who accused them of being ready to ride but only because gattopardescamente not change anything even if it changes all those who see the embryo of democracy finally comes from below and not as it should be thrown together with the bombs from above, as unfortunately has been and those who fear rather than a democratization accelerated in people not literate enough to deliver them new tyranny of the worst kind (remember the Iran of Khomeini as a successful case and Algeria in the early 90's as If bloodily failed, fundamentalism in power by popular). In short, do not know yet whether there is a good thing or a bad thing if your close friend of Craxi Bottino or Uncle di Ruby Rubacuori siano stati deposti, ma se avete pazienza di leggervi la rassegna ragionata che vi propongo non so se riuscirete a farvi un'idea vostra, nel qual caso magari ditemela, ma certamente abbandonerete la traccia monocorde che vi sta propinando la stampa di regime di entrambi gli schieramenti, che quanto sia inattendibile è dimostrato ampiamente dalle migliaia di disperati che si stanno affollando nelle nostre spiaggie, come se avessero appena vinto una rivoluzione non farebbero mai e poi mai.
Nell'attesa, preferisco ripensare all'Africa con categorie del pensiero più umili, e dopo aver ripassato il meaculpa che quotidianamente dovremmo tutti noi occidentali recitare per il mare di diseredati sulla cui miseria si regge il our relative and transient welfare, step and penitential act autoassolutorio (adjectives to read my mind fierce agnosticism) to propagate a bit 'of concrete Charity:
  • February 27 we run the 37th edition of the half Roma-Ostia marathon, half the non-competitive blowjobs around the Euro: a reason to participate is that for by the NGO Ricerca e Cooperazione part of the proceeds will go to children Ghana's road;
  • February 23 before a themed dinner at the pub Clyde Portonaccio in Rome ( Hence the map ) will present the book's recipes Grandma Carmela written by four hands and signed several cookers with Pino Longo, whose proceeds will go to the school children of Kolomà in Guinea Conakry, as better explained pages Cucinoperdiletto and Adottocondiletto of this blog. As he said Sophia, accattatevillo .
Links for discordant

Monday, February 14, 2011

My Car Amp Has Stop Working


Berlusconi is by far the most frequent tag in this blog, so much so that some friends I have even done something wrong, I trim down making me I have shield democratic emergency this man is already felt in 1992 when I read the prophetic company of The Celestine Stefano Benni in while also trying to listen to those who love me and limit as possible what might seem monotonous obsession.
This is not however the reason why in this web space was not nearly Ruby spoke of the case, or as we call troiaio in question: the reason is that we are not talking about things that speak Striscia la Notizia. In fact, I suspect that the fuss has been seconded for the purpose of conveying at least consensus, and on the other hand I really hope that the person ends up in the dust for any of the other crimes he committed in his career, I know at least for tax evasion as Al Capone. However, a cancan
media had it on there, if he was able to raise a protest like the one that took place yesterday virtually across Italy ( the beautiful gallery of Roman Liberareggio , these reports Blitz and de Unit ) and also in many foreign countries ( here and the photo gallery here). So successful and such an echo not need counter, then I would have nothing to add if I had received, and as we say happy result, two contributions "from within " two of my friends unlike editors, also with the particularity of a direct Italy-Belgium: in the Rome group was a Belgian woman, an Italian woman writes from Brussels. Enjoy, and thanks to Paul and Eve.
Paola Calderon
Rome, February 13
o'clock, with change in the houses. I'm going, you bring the kids to the park. See you later.
Appointment to the metro, Bianca is the mother, with a Christian mother and daughter, thirteen year old Belgian, not us, this time I want to enjoy this event. No children. Only us.
A district on the move, it's time for lunch, it's Sunday, which all go to the event?
The meter is full, we get lost, those who are visiting the Colosseum, and does well, who tries to get straight to Piazzale Flaminio. E fa male.
Non è un paese per donne, ma non è un Paese per nessuno, questo.
Alle due e mezzo il fiume umano che scende le strettissime scale della fermata Termini della metro A viene bloccato in un cunicolo. Non scendete più non c’è più spazio.
Non faccio finire la frase.
Esco, di corsa, guadagno il bel sole romano.
Escono tutte, e via, a piedi verso il Pincio.
Da quella meravigliosa terrazza si vede la piazza, è affollatissima, non si vede la fine. Cerco le solite facce delle stanche e tristi manifestazioni a cui, noi zoccolo (ho detto zoccolo. Con la O) duro continuiamo ad andare. Ma non le trovo.  Non le riconosco. Ci sono tutte, le categorie romane di donne e di men and many children, this Sunday in February. And there you see a smile. We get to Piazzale Flaminio
fatigue, very heavily, the streets no one enters, we hear applause, laughter, screams from the crowd thronged, but we can not understand why.
Append to an insane father cycling with children to bicycle through the crowd, kind, but a bit 'by so impatient (male) disorganization, we can get in the way Babuino, also full, and then ride off into ... the course and from there, Street gang that enchants with its rhythmic drums, a choir that sings beautiful and heart hello there, you always opens. We approach the entrance of the square. Talk Susanna Camusso. We do not say nothing but listen. Even with all of my friends but if and left-left. The also listen to them. Because this is not the time to embroider on our distinction. Now is the time of Basta. Basta. And when women say "enough " is for real.
flows of people still arriving.
Let's walk around the center on foot and the feeling is always the same. I'm glad. We are happy.
Eva Donelli
Brussels, 13 February
Several hundred Italian women (but anche altrettanti uomini) si sono riunite oggi nella capitale europea per rivendicare maggiore rispetto per la dignità femminile, offesa dal caso Ruby e non solo, e per mostrare il volto di un’ altra Italia .
Dalle 12, per circa un'ora, oggi la scalinata del palazzo della Bourse di Bruxelles risuonava dello slogan: “ Se non ora quando? Ora! ” , gridato, canticchiato, cadenzato sulle note di we will we will rock you dei Queen.
Siamo cittadine non femminucce strumentalizzate ”, scandivano gli speakers alternanandosi al microfono dai gradini della Bourse. E ancora: “E' una rivolta della decenza, per salvare la dignità of our country, because that Italy has lost the sense of crazy! "" We're not moralistic, but we are here to morality, this is! "
" Italian media threaten the image of the woman, "he read a girl in French coinvologere who are present, " this is an obstacle to equality, women are not considered people, the stereotype that it is anachronistic and saddled us humble! "
parade cartels I'm not for sale", "Dignity is a fundamental right " and on .. "I do not like the word bunga bunga" Banning Berlusconi by the European Council ". The President of the European Greens, who attended the event took the floor to advance three proposals: a quota policy to revive a history of feminism to be rediscovered and greater closeness and solidarity with other women who are deprived of their liberty, "because their freedom is our freedom .
Today's, however, wants to be a rally cross, no political symbols, which is open to all women, parallel to other events that sparked the Italian cities from Rome to Palermo, explains Fabio, one of the organizers, who claims satisfied. Fabio says that there will be about 450 people, and che sono state raggiunte grazie alla “campagna” organizzata su facebook e con il passaparola. “Il messaggio che vogliamo portare è che è il momento di reagire, il fondo lo abbiamo toccato e stiamo già scavando, ci fanno vergognare del nostro paese, di una società dove le donne hanno scarse possibilità nel mercato del lavoro, i servizi sociali sono insufficenti e non sono garantite le quote rosa nel mondo politico. Allora Se non ora quando?”.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Man Sit On Woman Stomach

date on the spot I decide

Oggi e domani in tutta Italia è tempo di manifestare.
Domani è in scena la protesta delle donne, al grido di "se non ora quando", vari appuntamenti e l'adesione persino of the Future. This collection of signatures instead Unity around Rome. At the bottom of the video promo.
Today is the turn of the people Viola: this perhaps not a full calendar . Why the hell maybe not, but sometimes you need to do both pans lids.
Viola is also the name of my team, basketball (I hate football). Not everyone knows that is the surname of an unfortunate boy named Peter, who died in the 60 player whose brother decided to build his name in a team that will gradually also in Europe and tap the shield, and then disappear and be reborn recently in the minor leagues (where he is doing fine).
And not everyone knows that the people of Viola is so named because all the other colors were engaged in politics.
Not everyone knows, and many do not care, because basically Viola is perhaps above all just a beautiful name .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chapter Summaries Of Deathwatch

Today is one of those days that office than the officer. "Our" government has in fact had the nerve to lay on the anniversary of the day when after seventeen years of torture Eluana's will has finally been met, a so-called " national day of vegetative states. "It was pretty clear message to the electorate or better yet, the hierarchy of a church that still has not gotten the message di Cavour, also by those from eighteen (fuck, eighteen ...) carries the flag of liberalism on the website of the Ministry of Health press release which was introduced in November this decision is incredibly explicit: it gives a vulgar and free posthumous slap a poor calling it " a girl with severe disabilities whose lives have been interrupted by a decision of the judiciary . "One thing that can be answered adequately only with a spit in face.
A series of lay association with Micromega head have instead responded by setting a date for the same " national day on the free choice ( of this press release Liberauscita ), a thing in a country that respect its own constitution (very explicit in regard to ' Article 32) there should be no need. Instead we are still here to reflect in practice the theoretical confusion that lies even within the Church that, in the same style with which ZIPRA said, "Do as I say not do as I do", first attacking those who dare to interrupt the power forced to a dead body by decades, dall'altro si oppone ufficialmente all'accanimento terapeutico, tollera e incoraggia benevolmente una pietosa prassi diffusa per fortuna in tutti gli ospedali, e santifica in corsia preferenziale un grande comunicatore occasionalmente Papa che per se stesso ha preteso di decidere quando dire basta. E' vero che sarebbe il vicario di Dio, ma porca miseria per queste cose se decide Dio in persona deve valere per tutti, se no è conflitto d'interessi...
Insomma, a laicità delle istituzioni stiamo messi malissimo , e in un modo che ricalca in tutte le loro pieghe tutte le contraddizioni della politica nostrana: dobbiamo all'anomalia Berlusconi anche questo, si, che non si può scegliere uno schieramento politico sulla base delle its positions in such important matters of our lives, because the crystallization of the camps for and against its subversive and self-figure means that instead on issues that matter are politicians who think like us and politicians that we are opposed to completely by both parties. So even if we have the misfortune to arrive at a point where we believe that freedom we have left to live is not life as we understand it, not having full right to file a living will, or have the legs to do as the great Monicelli or the protagonist of the beautiful song Piero Ciampi below, or we attach to the c. .., indeed, we stick to the tube as a poor girl who had returned on Feb. 9 for his freedom.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Most Powerfull Bb Gun

Ciò che piace all'italiano qualunque(mente)

talk about the "beautiful " there have been many, perhaps too many, and difficult to reach a useful conclusion for the dialectic between different stakeholders . Everyone has their own idea, do not you put never agree.
talk about the "pleasant " However, there have been few. This is because it is often given for granted and everyone thinks they know what they're talking. But sometimes it confuses the same.
I borrow the definition of its Kant Critique of Judgement nice to clarify the terms of Kant's aesthetics and to shape a critical thinking on contemporary cinema:

"In every performance I say that it is at least possible that it (the knowledge) is related to a pleasure. Of what I say nice I say that it produces in me really pleased. "

The same definition appears to be obvious, but we must go even deeper to get where I'm going to go. Kant says that pleasure is the pleasure, anticipating some of the themes of psychoanalysis, and that is proper to man to judge a performance (artistic or not) according to the categories of his own pleasure. We like nice, it seems obvious but is not at all. This is a truth that brings any proceedings at its root, every castle built in the air and any aesthetic theory is roughly the size of the anchored desire and pleasure agreeable.
The nice thing is another story, not talking about this. Not everything we like is nice, but all the things that we like is nice.

And while on the subject of Kantian philosophy, which deeply influenced the way I di vedere le cose, voglio dividere questa rappresentazione in forma e contenuto e dire che posso riconoscere (e generare) un contenuto piacevole ed una forma piacevole, così come un contenuto spiacevole ed una forma spiacevole.

La riflessione nella sua forma verbale è scaturita da una delle tante conversazioni in macchina con il Green e proprio con la revisione di uno dei suoi lavori (che sospetto sia stato altrettanto influenzato da quella discussione e che vi invito a seguire sul suo Blog ) vorrei proseguire il discorso.

Il pregio di questi Kiwi si nasconde nella loro ambivalenza. Il contenuto è decisamente sgradevole, è una difficult to accept as truth the great revelations of contemporary philosophy, but the whole is enclosed in a very pleasant. A simple animal, but funny bastard, that tells the hard truth that many do not want to accept. Nihilism beak. The Green
plays on the dichotomy form / content and attention of the viewer of his art, as well as traditional and satirical vignette, creating a product that is not entirely pleasant but not entirely unpleasant, because it is the contrast generate reflection and criticism.

Passing over and coming to our beloved cinema, I would like to briefly mention one of the cases da blockbuster di questo periodo e confrontarlo con una delle pellicole più odiate del cinema italiano.

Qualunquemente di Antonio Albanese non sarà sicuramente all'altezza di Salò e le 120 giornate di Sodoma di Pier Paolo Pasolini, ma qualcosa in comune ce l'hanno. Entrambi riflettono sulla situazione politica/sociale dell'Italia contemporanea.
Mentre Pasolini, eterno reduce del fascismo , rappresenta le orge dello strapotere di regime attraverso uno spettacolo cruento, osceno e al limite del pornografico; Albanese sviluppa una commedia sulle stesse tematiche e permette all'italiano comune di farsi una risata amara.
Gli elements that constitute the two films are the same, but the staging is ordered in two sizes and two very different times. This brings me, returning to the Kantian discourse to a conclusion very "unpleasant" for the whole of Italy and for the common viewer, lacking any eye digger.

The book can not be judged by its cover? Ok, it's unethical, but it's the cover that gives us the first impression of the contents of the book, the cover is the form. A nice cover is a good start for a pleasant book.
The eye of the viewer stops common to the cover to the package. Not interested in the contents of the package.
Qualunquemente è un bel pacchetto, divertente (manco troppo), colorato e tanto tanto italiano, per dirlo alla Stanis LaRochelle , e per questo piace.
Salò inizia come un film spiacevole, prosegue come un film spiacevole e finisce in maniera sempre più spiacevole. La forma di questo film procurerebbe piacere solamente ad una mente malata, ad uno spettatore dalla personalità contorta, un voyeur , un maniaco sadico. Pasolini è al corrente di tutto questo e proprio per questo motivo ha voluto fare un film spiacevole: per vedere se l'italiano del suo tempo riusciva ad andare oltre le apparenze. Purtroppo non ci riesce e continua a non riuscirci, perché dove si parla di Salò se ne parla male.

Paradossale il fatto che l'aggettivo capolavoro possa essere attribuito ad un film spiacevole, ma è proprio questo il punto della critica, o no?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Pregnancy Wheel Calculator


Today newspaper is the news of the death of Maria Schneider, actress, a personality so strong that marked his life. Will forever be remembered for Last Tango in Paris Bertolucci, and in particular the scene where Marlon Brando gave her the bunga-bunga , but still do not call it that, with butter. The film at the time was heavily criticized and opposed. Today is the stuff of boarders, when viewed superficially: but if we look good we find, inter alia, have taken steps backwards in the management aware of sexuality.
Yesterday, stood out as the death of Daniele Formica . The actor and director, theater and perhaps too seriously for too much political commitment ( also had a blog on the daily show ) to find spaces in the television today. If you have a certain age will remember him for his very own undoubtedly hilarious television personalities, headed by the yoga master who at some point invariably failing in a position you unmark a " you do I master " that became proverbial.
the next few days however, if the premises of rejection will be kept in committee, could be the end of his days the land fiscal federalism, this bomb hanging over our heads since Bossi as he mutters: winds and odd years now threatens to permanently destroy any hope of economic recovery and even of any future for our country. I said and I repeat : if they pass the federal tax and state property, we wait until the bankruptcy and then perhaps even civil war. Then do not say I did not warn you. Now the events of the last days of Berlusconi's government seem to suggest that federalism is the most revered member of his death, but be careful who already feel the great minds at work for a PD of resuscitation in extremis. If you put Veltroni, then, is a done deal, poor us ...