So, not to prolong the silence, I put down the piece a series of links that make reason for this confusion, between those who welcomed the revival of the masses of the dispossessed against the tyrants and those who remember that those who today find it hard not to call tyrants Yesterday was the respectable bastions of the West against fundamentalism, who accuse Americans of being the puppet master all the color revolutions of recent years and who accused them of being ready to ride but only because gattopardescamente not change anything even if it changes all those who see the embryo of democracy finally comes from below and not as it should be thrown together with the bombs from above, as unfortunately has been and those who fear rather than a democratization accelerated in people not literate enough to deliver them new tyranny of the worst kind (remember the Iran of Khomeini as a successful case and Algeria in the early 90's as If bloodily failed, fundamentalism in power by popular). In short, do not know yet whether there is a good thing or a bad thing if your close friend of Craxi Bottino or Uncle di Ruby Rubacuori siano stati deposti, ma se avete pazienza di leggervi la rassegna ragionata che vi propongo non so se riuscirete a farvi un'idea vostra, nel qual caso magari ditemela, ma certamente abbandonerete la traccia monocorde che vi sta propinando la stampa di regime di entrambi gli schieramenti, che quanto sia inattendibile è dimostrato ampiamente dalle migliaia di disperati che si stanno affollando nelle nostre spiaggie, come se avessero appena vinto una rivoluzione non farebbero mai e poi mai.
Nell'attesa, preferisco ripensare all'Africa con categorie del pensiero più umili, e dopo aver ripassato il meaculpa che quotidianamente dovremmo tutti noi occidentali recitare per il mare di diseredati sulla cui miseria si regge il our relative and transient welfare, step and penitential act autoassolutorio (adjectives to read my mind fierce agnosticism) to propagate a bit 'of concrete Charity:
- February 27 we run the 37th edition of the half Roma-Ostia marathon, half the non-competitive blowjobs around the Euro: a reason to participate is that for by the NGO Ricerca e Cooperazione part of the proceeds will go to children Ghana's road;
- February 23 before a themed dinner at the pub Clyde Portonaccio in Rome ( Hence the map ) will present the book's recipes Grandma Carmela written by four hands and signed several cookers with Pino Longo, whose proceeds will go to the school children of Kolomà in Guinea Conakry, as better explained pages Cucinoperdiletto and Adottocondiletto of this blog. As he said Sophia, accattatevillo .
Links for discordant
- what we like dictators , Massimo Fini on Done daily ;
- Arab revolution: parse error ... Interview with Maurizio Blondet of Mary Margaret Peracchino ;
- comparing two countries (Italy and Egypt), Laura Costantini for The Sesia ;
- Tunisian revolution: real or virtual? You answered Mario on Comedonchisciotte ;
- lessons Tunisian , Fabio Marcelli on Done is much more optimistic
- are starving the Third World , Ellen Brown on Globalresearch ;
- which are descended from monkeys? Gustavo Duch Guillot explains in a nutshell, because in the last three decades the rich have become vastly richer and the poor poorer enormously.
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