Monday, February 14, 2011

My Car Amp Has Stop Working


Berlusconi is by far the most frequent tag in this blog, so much so that some friends I have even done something wrong, I trim down making me I have shield democratic emergency this man is already felt in 1992 when I read the prophetic company of The Celestine Stefano Benni in while also trying to listen to those who love me and limit as possible what might seem monotonous obsession.
This is not however the reason why in this web space was not nearly Ruby spoke of the case, or as we call troiaio in question: the reason is that we are not talking about things that speak Striscia la Notizia. In fact, I suspect that the fuss has been seconded for the purpose of conveying at least consensus, and on the other hand I really hope that the person ends up in the dust for any of the other crimes he committed in his career, I know at least for tax evasion as Al Capone. However, a cancan
media had it on there, if he was able to raise a protest like the one that took place yesterday virtually across Italy ( the beautiful gallery of Roman Liberareggio , these reports Blitz and de Unit ) and also in many foreign countries ( here and the photo gallery here). So successful and such an echo not need counter, then I would have nothing to add if I had received, and as we say happy result, two contributions "from within " two of my friends unlike editors, also with the particularity of a direct Italy-Belgium: in the Rome group was a Belgian woman, an Italian woman writes from Brussels. Enjoy, and thanks to Paul and Eve.
Paola Calderon
Rome, February 13
o'clock, with change in the houses. I'm going, you bring the kids to the park. See you later.
Appointment to the metro, Bianca is the mother, with a Christian mother and daughter, thirteen year old Belgian, not us, this time I want to enjoy this event. No children. Only us.
A district on the move, it's time for lunch, it's Sunday, which all go to the event?
The meter is full, we get lost, those who are visiting the Colosseum, and does well, who tries to get straight to Piazzale Flaminio. E fa male.
Non è un paese per donne, ma non è un Paese per nessuno, questo.
Alle due e mezzo il fiume umano che scende le strettissime scale della fermata Termini della metro A viene bloccato in un cunicolo. Non scendete più non c’è più spazio.
Non faccio finire la frase.
Esco, di corsa, guadagno il bel sole romano.
Escono tutte, e via, a piedi verso il Pincio.
Da quella meravigliosa terrazza si vede la piazza, è affollatissima, non si vede la fine. Cerco le solite facce delle stanche e tristi manifestazioni a cui, noi zoccolo (ho detto zoccolo. Con la O) duro continuiamo ad andare. Ma non le trovo.  Non le riconosco. Ci sono tutte, le categorie romane di donne e di men and many children, this Sunday in February. And there you see a smile. We get to Piazzale Flaminio
fatigue, very heavily, the streets no one enters, we hear applause, laughter, screams from the crowd thronged, but we can not understand why.
Append to an insane father cycling with children to bicycle through the crowd, kind, but a bit 'by so impatient (male) disorganization, we can get in the way Babuino, also full, and then ride off into ... the course and from there, Street gang that enchants with its rhythmic drums, a choir that sings beautiful and heart hello there, you always opens. We approach the entrance of the square. Talk Susanna Camusso. We do not say nothing but listen. Even with all of my friends but if and left-left. The also listen to them. Because this is not the time to embroider on our distinction. Now is the time of Basta. Basta. And when women say "enough " is for real.
flows of people still arriving.
Let's walk around the center on foot and the feeling is always the same. I'm glad. We are happy.
Eva Donelli
Brussels, 13 February
Several hundred Italian women (but anche altrettanti uomini) si sono riunite oggi nella capitale europea per rivendicare maggiore rispetto per la dignità femminile, offesa dal caso Ruby e non solo, e per mostrare il volto di un’ altra Italia .
Dalle 12, per circa un'ora, oggi la scalinata del palazzo della Bourse di Bruxelles risuonava dello slogan: “ Se non ora quando? Ora! ” , gridato, canticchiato, cadenzato sulle note di we will we will rock you dei Queen.
Siamo cittadine non femminucce strumentalizzate ”, scandivano gli speakers alternanandosi al microfono dai gradini della Bourse. E ancora: “E' una rivolta della decenza, per salvare la dignità of our country, because that Italy has lost the sense of crazy! "" We're not moralistic, but we are here to morality, this is! "
" Italian media threaten the image of the woman, "he read a girl in French coinvologere who are present, " this is an obstacle to equality, women are not considered people, the stereotype that it is anachronistic and saddled us humble! "
parade cartels I'm not for sale", "Dignity is a fundamental right " and on .. "I do not like the word bunga bunga" Banning Berlusconi by the European Council ". The President of the European Greens, who attended the event took the floor to advance three proposals: a quota policy to revive a history of feminism to be rediscovered and greater closeness and solidarity with other women who are deprived of their liberty, "because their freedom is our freedom .
Today's, however, wants to be a rally cross, no political symbols, which is open to all women, parallel to other events that sparked the Italian cities from Rome to Palermo, explains Fabio, one of the organizers, who claims satisfied. Fabio says that there will be about 450 people, and che sono state raggiunte grazie alla “campagna” organizzata su facebook e con il passaparola. “Il messaggio che vogliamo portare è che è il momento di reagire, il fondo lo abbiamo toccato e stiamo già scavando, ci fanno vergognare del nostro paese, di una società dove le donne hanno scarse possibilità nel mercato del lavoro, i servizi sociali sono insufficenti e non sono garantite le quote rosa nel mondo politico. Allora Se non ora quando?”.


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