Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chapter Summaries Of Deathwatch

Today is one of those days that office than the officer. "Our" government has in fact had the nerve to lay on the anniversary of the day when after seventeen years of torture Eluana's will has finally been met, a so-called " national day of vegetative states. "It was pretty clear message to the electorate or better yet, the hierarchy of a church that still has not gotten the message di Cavour, also by those from eighteen (fuck, eighteen ...) carries the flag of liberalism on the website of the Ministry of Health press release which was introduced in November this decision is incredibly explicit: it gives a vulgar and free posthumous slap a poor calling it " a girl with severe disabilities whose lives have been interrupted by a decision of the judiciary . "One thing that can be answered adequately only with a spit in face.
A series of lay association with Micromega head have instead responded by setting a date for the same " national day on the free choice ( of this press release Liberauscita ), a thing in a country that respect its own constitution (very explicit in regard to ' Article 32) there should be no need. Instead we are still here to reflect in practice the theoretical confusion that lies even within the Church that, in the same style with which ZIPRA said, "Do as I say not do as I do", first attacking those who dare to interrupt the power forced to a dead body by decades, dall'altro si oppone ufficialmente all'accanimento terapeutico, tollera e incoraggia benevolmente una pietosa prassi diffusa per fortuna in tutti gli ospedali, e santifica in corsia preferenziale un grande comunicatore occasionalmente Papa che per se stesso ha preteso di decidere quando dire basta. E' vero che sarebbe il vicario di Dio, ma porca miseria per queste cose se decide Dio in persona deve valere per tutti, se no è conflitto d'interessi...
Insomma, a laicità delle istituzioni stiamo messi malissimo , e in un modo che ricalca in tutte le loro pieghe tutte le contraddizioni della politica nostrana: dobbiamo all'anomalia Berlusconi anche questo, si, che non si può scegliere uno schieramento politico sulla base delle its positions in such important matters of our lives, because the crystallization of the camps for and against its subversive and self-figure means that instead on issues that matter are politicians who think like us and politicians that we are opposed to completely by both parties. So even if we have the misfortune to arrive at a point where we believe that freedom we have left to live is not life as we understand it, not having full right to file a living will, or have the legs to do as the great Monicelli or the protagonist of the beautiful song Piero Ciampi below, or we attach to the c. .., indeed, we stick to the tube as a poor girl who had returned on Feb. 9 for his freedom.


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