date on the spot I decide
Oggi e domani in tutta Italia è tempo di manifestare.
Domani è in scena la protesta delle donne, al grido di "se non ora quando", vari appuntamenti e l'adesione persino of the Future. This collection of signatures instead Unity around Rome. At the bottom of the video promo.
Today is the turn of the people Viola: this perhaps not a full calendar . Why the hell maybe not, but sometimes you need to do both pans lids.
Viola is also the name of my team, basketball (I hate football). Not everyone knows that is the surname of an unfortunate boy named Peter, who died in the 60 player whose brother decided to build his name in a team that will gradually also in Europe and tap the shield, and then disappear and be reborn recently in the minor leagues (where he is doing fine).
And not everyone knows that the people of Viola is so named because all the other colors were engaged in politics.
Not everyone knows, and many do not care, because basically Viola is perhaps above all just a beautiful name .
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