Only a Master competing for the top-ten all-time could tackle a subject like ' beyond ( Hereafter the beautiful English word I translate literally in the title) remaining in perfect balance on a knife edge here and there with the chasms of religious and paranormal unsolved Hollywood. Clint Eastwood here may not have reached the heights of Million Dollar Baby or Gran Torino, but the theme was definitely and dramatically more difficult to treat, at least maintaining a grace and style that will not offend the sensibilities to no one, neither of whom has a faith or to those who do not have, nor of those who love the movies that come out of the track nor the logic of those who (like me) but usually horrified when the its edge is also solo stiracchiato troppo (strappato, esco dal cinema, a meno che non fossi stato avvertito preventivamente dalle indicazioni di genere: adoro la fantascienza, ad esempio, ma deve essere dichiarata).
Oltre che girato benissimo, il film è scritto magnificamente, coi fili che si riannodano in maniera naturale senza necessitare di colpi di scena o " sospensioni dell'incredulità ". Così, l'ennesima scommessa riuscita dell'eroe-erede di Sergio Leone lascia semplicemente lo spettatore inchiodato alla poltrona per tutta la pellicola, e poi dopo ad interrogarsi sui titoli di coda cosa diavolo stia progettando adesso sto ragazzino di ottant'anni. Un'età, tra l'altro, in cui il pensiero of death should make you a lot 'of the company, and how.
If you think about it, knowing that he must die is exactly what distinguishes man from other animals, which marks the beginning of the Adult in every child. Managing this knowledge is so difficult that without going crazy on this deal were born and flourished all established religions and many other things, from philosophy to the fun, through identification with the football team or anything longer than a chief concern for human life and the relationship with the subsidiary. And 'here that Clint and gets back his poncho with a cigar in his mouth half calmly takes us from the collar and hisses by pointing us on his eye ice "that Death, ladies and gentlemen, is nothing more nothing less than the condition logic to appreciate life .'s life, or should we say the Quiadesso .
MONDAY ' January 10 at 10:30 am at the TEMPLE EGYPTIAN the Verano cemetery in Rome (entrance in Via Tiburtina - Square of the Crusades, after 200 meters on the right) will take the leave to lay Giancarlo Fornari . Speakers many people for whom he is quidopo , and will be forever ... |
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