Se non bastasse la crisi economica a sconsigliare le spese tutto sommato superflue, da oggi è in vigore a Roma la tassa di soggiorno , il cui intento è fare un po' di cassa nel presupposto che non sarà in grado di incidere sulla domanda di turismo nella Capitale (altrimenti sarebbe un cazz'e tutt'uno , per dirla come usano a Oxford).
Mentre gli apocalittici suggeriscono che il kerosene sarà il primo derivato del petrolio a cui dovremo rinunciare dopo il picco, e quindi i viaggi aerei torneranno ad essere pochi e cari come prima degli anni ottanta, i pratici cominciano ad attrezzarsi. Stelio Fantan tells us what happens in the United Kingdom.
WikiLeaks: US-UK tax authorities to the role of third wheel
of Stelio Fantan
Playing on WikiLeaks, a confidential exchange of notes between London and Washington, two themes away, and at the same time, neighbors. That is, tax and travel. In particular, in terms of transit and of navigation, we discuss flights from the UK right into the heart of the U.S. and vice versa. In the distance, however, opinions in transit between U.S. diplomats busy contemplating the air distances that shrink linger across the Atlantic, suddenly, on a range of economic policy, tax and cynically, decided by the Executive UK. This is for a tax on air flights which, for nearly two decades, dating back to the early 90s, applies strictly on departures from UK airports, with no exclusions.
The climb of the tax on flights irritate Washington
The levy imposed on travelers leaving the United Kingdom by booking a flight, has a long history of bitterness behind tax. Until last November but the clashes were internal to the various lobbies in Britain. In practice, airlines and Confederation of British Industry on a critical slope, the government and environmentalists on the bench opposite. Result, continued growth years of sampling. At the debut, in fact, that in '94, the heavy tax designed for air travel is 5 pounds on each ticket sold. You go up instead of 10 pounds, but only if the flight is first class, reserved for the business, and the destination beyond the borders of the European Economic Area. Then in '97 the first experimented with a fee upward revision, in effect doubling. The end coincides with November 1 this year, when the British Executive gives the final go-ahead to a further increase. Accounting standpoint, now the tax, closely related to the mileage of a range within intervallo la cui base minima è pari a 85 sterline, mentre la soglia limite si ferma a 170 sterline. Penalizzati, naturalmente, i voli su distanze extra-Europa. Usa in primis . Da qui l’origine del malessere fiscale registrato da Wikileaks e certificato negli scambi di note tra i diplomatici Usa e il Dipartimento di Stato, cioè il Ministero degli Esteri statunitense.
La tassa che assicura entrate
D’altra parte, le obiezioni sia delle lobby interne sia di attori esteri, si son sempre dovute scontrare con la realtà contabile d’una tassa il cui gettito, nel corso degli anni, non ha mai conosciuto crisi. Nell'anno d’esordio, per esempio, assicurò British public accounts, which was already looking for more resources, a revenue of 1 billion pounds. Revenue, over time, have seen increasing their weight to the 2miliardi 2009. But with the escalation in force since November 1, 2010, by 2014-2015 the revenue estimated should be equal to 3.5 billion pounds. A valuable crop, especially in times of crisis.
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