Non partecipo mai alle catene di Sant'Antonio, anche se la mail dice che se non la inoltro a dieci amici avrò tot anni di sventure mentre invece se lo faccio subito tutti i miei desideri si esaudiranno. Se faccio un'eccezione stavolta è per un buon motivo: il Sunshine Award è una lodevole iniziativa di diffusione virale della controinformazione o di altre iniziative editoriali via web. In realtà, non sono nemmeno riuscito a capire se esiste un'organizzazione vera e propria che davvero premia qualcuno, ma il giochino dà soddisfazione in se e accolgo volentieri l'invito a parteciparvi. Arriva dall'amico Diodati che gestisce il bel blog a carattere scientifico Omega centauri , il quale bontà sua (grazie Michele!) put me among the 12 blogs that the regulation seeks to counter it.
Now, I have already a section in the right shoulder, which lists the sites that "counter-very," but first among them there are giants who do not need any publicity, the other gladly take advantage of this opportunity to clarify why among them I have also added some minor brothers blog and refer to other sites that are not naturally in that list.
Here are my twelve chosen (*), which as I take care to warn a regulation to one of my alert, urging them to continue this mechanism autorefenziale and perhaps naive, but certainly a win-win: a caress never hurts anyone.
- Antonino Monteleone - This Saviano without the millions already "attention" from the 'Ndrangheta, is an example for all its young citizens, and I would say to all the southerners.
- Bandafalò - Not content to keep alive their cultural Cannitello, on that stretch of coastline would be foolish from the Bridge, these guys are for four years also engaged in a humanitarian mission in Côte d'Ivoire. Chapeau, while they wait for the calendar of summer concerts.
- Carlo Bertani - I quote very often in my articles, often as useful examination of issues that I deal with more superficially, always with a chicory envy (positive). If I become great by Head of government, I take that as Minister of Education (which then restore the old label, emphasizing public ) or perhaps as a Deputy with responsibility for Energy.
- Liberareggio - A group of young men of good will, between this site, a laboratory and many other initiatives, makes it possible to hope for a land, my land, in various ways unfortunate. To encourage in every possible way, too (as I did) attending their events whenever possible.
- The event horizon - The "lame duck" does not mince his words, and at a time when women should have a career, especially many others it is a rare gift and out of fashion. Cathartic and instructive.
- - Scilla on the web, beautiful Portalino to breath apparently local, her head - and not only that - in dialect (literally means "bad news", but it is a curse-One such as Bologna or Rome sòcmel 'taccitùa ).
- Michela Murgia - The young and talented writer is one of those (in the head Loredana Lipperini) who were most outraged at the shameful story of the books to the Veneto, such as in this article called poetic. Reported by Gemma Serena.
- Net1news - This kind of blog of blogs is helping so many of us, like other similar initiatives. To encourage and spread.
- ReteNoPonte - Recommend this site almost by way of representing tens, united in fighting this battle against the waste and the gift to the Mafia that would be the queen of useless works of all time.
- Sbilanciamoci - There are anche economisti che ragionano al di fuori del dogma del monetarismo, e del libro paga delle multinazionali, ed è il loro contributo tecnico che ci serve per ragionare di un futuro diverso. Anzi, di un futuro e basta.
- UAAR - L'Unione Atei Agnostici e Razionalisti è un faro nel buio in un Paese in cui la Chiesa detta da sempre e sempre più la linea politica, peraltro ad esclusivo comodo suo: il bestemmiatore che ti fa risparmiare miliardi di ICI è da contestualizzare, il corruttore di minorenni è stigmatizzato quando proprio non si può più tacere ma in cinese e con cautela, ma sia mai istituisci un registro per il testamento biologico o vorresti regolarizzare il tuo rapporto con quel tipo maggiorenne of the same sex with condoms you goals, then down the barrel with the cross (cruci c'a mine) in his hand.
- July 19, 1992 - The day that ended the hope and beginning of the Berlusconi: History will tell if it's a coincidence, if we do not succeed before a court. It 's the site of the Movement Diaries Red Salvatore Borsellino, one that does not give up. Let us imitate him.
(*) This list is in alphabetical order, except the last, which is the most important.
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