Saturday, January 29, 2011
Noma Thermostat Wiring
I love dearly Antonio Albanian from time to Frengo Mai dire gol , or rather drastic Alex to on his head, and I think it's one of the most greatest Italian actors of this era, like all truly great comedy and drama that is often confused with the two dimensions. And for this alchemical mingling among its characters Cetto The matter was immediately the best for us Calabrian "abroad" with the added value that can be read by a Sicilian Camilleri: who really understand. This is to get rid of any prejudices among the causes of the negative review I am about to make his latest blockbuster.
Any Indeed, indeed I should say unfeasible, I did not like. Yes, I know that if I do not like dicks sunnu mei, but I say the same. Certainly not a bad movie, and there are scenes of high level, but overall is a bit 'disappointing: it was hard, and failed, to bring to life film perfection with a character who wallows in the 5 minutes of an appearance on television. Leaving the cinema I thought maybe my expectations were just too high, like when you go see a movie based on a book you really liked or that was just my calabresitudine to ruin the overall taste making me weigh the most bitter moments lighter than me laughing.
Then I ran into controversy Peppe Voltarelli , a talented musician, former leader of the Calabrian heavy portion of the cloud, I've seen perform many times before and after its release: on top of their artistic parable For now, the disc and on tour with Claudio Lolli a ricantare tutto Ho visto degli zingari felici , insuperabile opera del cantautore bolognese. Onda calabra era una tarantella dall'autobiografico e amaro testo che parlava dell'emigrazione calabrese in Germania, mentre nella versione che scorre nei titoli di coda del film è una macchiettistica elencazione dei luoghi comuni che fanno il personaggio Cetto. Ascoltata fuori dal film, si rischia di non capire la satira: ha ragione Voltarelli e torto gli altri del Parto, che si sono invece dichiarati contenti della riscrittura del testo.
E' pensando questo della canzone che mi si è accesa la classica lampadina: siamo sicuri, ma proprio sicuri, che tutti quelli che hanno visto il film ne hanno colto la satira? Queste le statistiche aggiornate : centinaia di sale piene significa decine di migliaia di spettatori al giorno dal 21 gennaio, che significa milioni di euro e nel mirino il record che Che bella giornata di Checco Zalone ha appena strappato dopo 14 anni a La vita è bella di Benigni . Ora, non è che io voglia "aristocraticamente" sostenere che tutto questo successo commerciale implica automaticamente che non tutti possano cogliere il messaggio, e d'altronde gli spettatori televisivi sono sempre di più di quelli cinematografici, ma è proprio il paragone con Zalone che mi consente di dire che con Qualunquemente the risk is all right. A success of this magnitude, in fact, can only be achieved if the target is the whole cinema audience possible, not only those who laugh in a film by Woody Allen then, but even those who laugh in a film of Vanzina . The skill of the art in Checco Zalone Luca Medici, already seen in the first film and confermatissima in this second, is to try to make people laugh who distances himself from homophobia and homophobic, who distanced himself from racism and racists, homophobes, but and racists come out of the room with the deaf and subtle awareness that someone has taken them for a ride. Perhaps for a slightly lower level of the script, but I fear that Cetto with this difficult miracle does not happen: those who understand that laughing at the end of that character is an act of love for Calabria and the secessionist Northern League soaked clichés antimeridionali, those who are happy to be away from their culture and bitterly paramafiosa consider which, unfortunately, the film describes all too well the reality of their homeland and those who share more or less consciously paramafiosa that same culture. I had seen the film to tell Gioia Tauro, in short, I do not know what I thought of the laughter in the hall of the car explosion De Sanctis, or processing purpiceddu Melua - made man from prison - in perfect tamarro daddy style. The risk, in short, is that abandoning the size sketch Cetto has taken too much from Riina's leaders Cape, where I have personally seen young people identify with.
do not know if the film would have avoided this risk better written, I do not know if we could write it better. Perhaps the only thing was not groped. The chronicle of these days shows that the first to laugh at the bunga-bunga are those who believe in the syntax, and that instead of the satrap would perhaps even worse, so much to give rise to the suspicion that all was Ambaradan put on by his spin doctor to revive the popularity for this reason I talk about here is not, I'd love he referred to the process in which it accused of being the instigator of the massacres of 1993, however, for example, rather. Whatever. And those who seek to attack him, instead of using the key moralistic and sensationalistic, housed in transmission and then another escort who narrates the deeds but any urologist who says succinctly: gentlemen, a 75 year old work of prostate things now if the dream and nothing else, your Prime Minister is an old helpless. You know that fall in the polls, if they begin to spread the word that we like 'u pilu but does not know what to do!
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