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The first theme, I recommend a visit to the site of the Committee for referendum I record each time to collect signatures, and word of mouth capillary vote YES repeal of rules designed to make the market even the primary good par excellence (After which lacks only the air), hoping that consultations are being brought together in local elections in the spring fortune.
The second, just read Carlo Bertani, who writes very well of energy. We are in a location that we can ensure energy self-sufficiency through renewable sources, which also would be flying to many new small and medium-sized enterprises, and will end on that land that we will overcome even by newcomers while we sacrificed million € in uneconomical and dangerous totem copious bribes definitely related.
While they expect to vote in this referendum, and maybe for le elezioni politiche, ci sono votazioni cruciali dentro una fabbrica a Torino. Dove c'è un tizio che ha fatto un piano industriale fantascientifico (tutte quelle macchine non le venderebbe mai, nemmeno se domani uscisse con dieci nuovi modelli tutti indiscutibilmente migliori della concorrenza, figurarsi in una realtà che è l'opposto) e vuole darci a bere di poterlo attuare semplicemente riportando gli operai a condizioni di lavoro ottocentesche, mentre in Germania ad esempio fanno esattamente l'opposto e infatti vendono un sacco di ottime macchine. In breve (ma se avete più tempo leggetevi il gustosissimo resoconto di Lameduck ) il tizio in questione minaccia, se il referendum/ricatto to see him defeated, to leave Canada, abandon the practice of all the Italian factories of a group that would become all-American, but this is not so much scandal. The scandal is a prime minister declaring that if he did he would do well, without forgetting that the Italian state and sounding a thousand ways in which his contribution was essential to its development and its survival Fiat would have closed long ago, while the so-called opposition Democratic Party has ruled in favor of the owners not only in the person of former secretary and candidate for mayor Fassino, but even in the new spreads, the mayor of the most beloved Italian (successor in the current Governor of Calabria Scopelliti) Renzi, già noto per essere andato in pellegrinaggio ad Arcore prima ancora di avere un ruolo alla guida nazionale del partito (gli altri hanno cominciato il lecchinaggio in una fase successiva), che ha dichiarato di stare dalla parte di Marchionne senza se e senza ma . Come dire, siamo senza speranza .
(*) nel frattempo la Corte Costituzionale ha sostanzialmente demolito l'impianto del provvedimento, al punto che è incerto si possa svolgere il referendum relativo (deciderà la Cassazione), riaffermando l'elementare principio che è il giudice che deve decidere di volta in volta la sussistenza dell'impedimento e la sua legittimità, e chi se no? la cosa was also obvious to the drafters of the law, if not for the inspiration: the supreme court could never accept that any citizen, as an important position, he decided that his job prevented him once and for all to show up for trial (but not, for example, to organize feasts with grandchildren of foreign heads of state?)? but above all, how many know that such failure was already sufficiently regulated order, and applies to all of us, except that from time to time is precisely the court to assess the merits of whether there really and truly valid reasons? the fact is that they move better than anyone else in the dust only, and therefore can only wait for what will be the next to raise ...
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