I'm no economist, but my university studies in those distant subjects clearly were good enough to leave me a pension that can still read the Sun without che mi si incrocino gli occhietti santi. Posso parlare di moneta, dunque, con qualche speranza di non dire troppe cavolate, ma nello stesso tempo essendo abbastanza ignorante da farmi capire da chi è ignorante. Si perchè come il calcio è una di quelle cose in cui tutti credono di capirci ma pochi in realtà sono davvero competenti, pochi anche tra quelli che lo hanno giocato e lo giocano, così la moneta un conto è essere capace di guadagnare denaro o di giocare sui mercati finanziari coi soldi propri e altrui un conto è capire cosa diavolo davvero sia e perchè costituisca il reale ricettacolo del Potere. Parliamone allora terra-terra, e pazienza se i tecnici storceranno il musino.
Nei cartoni di B.C. gli prehistoric men exchanged shells, because they already sensed that it was more practical and do not go around with all the fruits of his labor on the rump. Imagine then do a role-playing game is to build a society: we should soon provide it with any currency to facilitate trade. The first question then is: than they need? The answer is a sufficient quantity to all trade, someone else would be forced to continue with barter, and maybe not all the existing ones, but those who hope to take place during the reporting period (say, next year) . The amount of money must be right, otherwise:
- if it is not, there will be someone to whom one is missing, and those in surplus and will soon raise the price (the 'interest ) like any scarce good, and both mean that there are around fewer people willing to buy things (" haul domestic demand," say the experts)
- if it is more, there will be more people willing to buy things things to sell, and sellers can increase prices (the ' inflation) which in practice reduces the real value of money in the hands of those who did, returning to equilibrium after an initial transfer of wealth to those who can freely raise their income (an example We have all seen: At the beginning of Euro traders) while for fixed income earners in practice inflation is a tax ;
- The issuer . For millennia, the power to coin money is left in the hands of one person, the absolute ruler of the village chief, with the sunset of absolutism, he moved to the liberal state, and, recently, private supranational entity. The question says a lot about what the real structure of power today: uno Stato che non batte moneta è solo parzialmente sovrano .
- Il sistema . La moneta per millenni dalla sua invenzione ebbe valore intrinseco: ogni dischetto di metallo valeva quello che valeva il metallo di cui era composto. Un grosso limite per chi non aveva abbastanza oro, una grande fonte di ispirazione per gli scrittori di storie di pirati e forzieri. Il vincolo fu allentato da un invenzione italiana implementata dai mercanti soprattutto olandesi: la cartamoneta . Geniale: io "banchiere" mi tengo i pezzi d'oro e ti do un pezzo di carta con su scritto che chi lo detiene ha diritto di venire da me a prendersi i pezzi d'oro, e con quello pago un altro e questo magari altri e così on, until only the last of the series may withdraw the gold but in the meantime many have made the trade without inflating the pockets, and a lot of trade with the gold, while the banker has even lent the gold to someone who had need in exchange for an interest which makes its profit. Yeah, but if the banks lend gold instead of the other paper money, maybe too many times the value of gold in hand? Without a check on inflation, even hyperinflation, was too high: it was necessary for the function to print it fell under the province came from the state, so that from then on for a few centuries ago and circulate paper money as much gold in the coffers. Each State. And down so many good stories about Fort Knox.
The process started at that time was the second law of thermodynamics necessarily an end, and in fact you are about to conclude, with the total control by an elite world how much money there has to be around. The stages of this process are obviously variously staggered in space. The latest in Europe have been the privatization of central banks and the creation of the single European currency issued by a central bank to turn private. The first thing outside the scope of political, parliamentary, therefore, the issuing banks, which tends to corruption in a country like ours is also good, if you will, not least that MPs we elect them, while the bankers do not. , after which a Member must if he wants to borrow money from its central bank, and here is the famous " debt."
Notice the surge of the curve at the time of CAF |
The point is that the promise of a monetary union that had just preceded the union tax, politico, politics: the end of this path, it could and perhaps we can hope for a ECB "nationalized" by the United States' Europe, the new entity policy that, thanks to their monetary sovereignty restored, to compete with China, India and Brazil (assuming they hold up) U.S. and thus defend their socio-economic and cultural model that has enabled some generations after the Second World War to thrive. Globalization led monetarist, however, soon will appoint the final demise of our first model in favor of the U.S. (is this key that you have read the action of Marchionne: American workers can not accept that conditions are maintained to the best their Italian counterparts, who are now in the same industrial group ...) and after that China. And this necessarily, because you can not keep the masses of workers under conditions of semi-subsistence farming with good manners, even the end of the ideological superstructure that we call democracy ... Instead
not only the only thing that is made is the monetary union, but this was improvidently extended to reality much less compatible in terms of indices of the real economy than they already were among the countries of their original € , a reality that in practice the hands and feet are delivered to an institution controlled by individuals not elected as the ECB thinks that within its interests and its dogmas, and not worry I will not say welfare But even the physical survival of our citizens. Here the Greek crisis then the Irish and now who knows what else, if the currency must be the real wealth, two countries that are in this very different from each other may not have the same currency, period, and if the poorer we test comes out with broken bones (technically, the two countries tend to an equilibrium point probably well below the level of full employment of the poorest countries).
Before monetarism was the function of money, and hopefully will be again after just exactly that in an economy will enable them to carry out all the exchanges necessary that all work and have a roof and food, more poi magari pure qualcos'altro, eventualmente. Per tornare a questa funzione, quindi, occorrerebbe che si diffondesse una conoscenza politica di questi temi tale che riemergano prima e diventino maggioritarie o comunque incidenti poi forze politiche che si pongano come obiettivo una Unione Europea ristretta e a moneta sovrana che difenda la piena occupazione dei propri cittadini, o in subordine uno Stato nazionale a moneta sovrana che tenti la stessa cosa. Il secondo scenario è più semplice da tentare ma con molti maggiori pericoli, sia in assoluto perchè di dimensioni insufficienti a reggere l'urto internazionale (sarebbe classico il vaso di coccio tra i vasi di ferro) sia perchè in Italia si dovrebbe fare i conti con l'innata propensione all'irresponsabilità (Yes, just look in the mirror) for which we are present in the dichotomy between public morality and private profit and immediate.
Even if this movement of ideas born and is strengthened, however, intervenes to complicate matters that is not only the Central Bank to create money , but also the banking system and financial sectors, and in recent decades they have increasingly acted in self and uncontrolled:
- banks riprestare the play several times the same money (technically called "fractional reserve ", in practice, banks are obliged to keep on hand only a fraction of the money spin after having borrowed dalla banca centrale pagandole un interesse basso chiamato " tasso di sconto "), che se svolto con misura è un volano per l'economia e la trasmissione della politica economica, costituisce un fattore di rischio in caso di cortocircuiti nel sistema di controllo (il controllore controllato dai controllati) come quelli in vigore (ricordo che sono le stesse banche a dividersi la proprietà delle banche centrali privatizzate e queste ultime quella della Banca Centrale Europea). Così, col tempo la frazione si è ridotta al minimo: oggi è al 2%, significa che ogni 100 euro prestati dalla banca centrale alle banche private si crea moneta per 5000 circa (chi non si fida si legga i conti qui );
- the financial system is infinitely more complicated: Let's see, even though at the risk of outline too. The bags are created to convey directly to the companies' money savers, and to what they did just that their role had functional effects cyclic. If my company needs money, in fact, or will I borrow from banks or the stock exchange and investors will be to give it to me in exchange for shares, then if the company goes well the share price rises and vice versa. Multiplying the reasoning, we should have so much money around as it is the financial value in real terms of total listed companies, subject to fluctuations around this value that give measure financial performance and form the line around which lie those we lost and those who gain from the play. Those of you who remember when the 80 began to turn the financial advisers? They were the first (remember them today, "soft") subjects who felt the remoteness of that world from that of the concrete could allow some room for gains too often tied to patterns called "Ponzi " or " chain letters. " Many, even those who swear there is not. Especially ones. Slowly, the financial economy has turned up to be mostly represented by certificates that include securities that include bonds and betting on the performance of other securities and so on. Here are the prices of raw materials such as oil, or houses, are determined by supply and demand no more of those goods on the market but the securities that are betting on the trend of their prices. Here it may happen to be encouraged to take out a mortgage and meeting again after a few years not being able to pay neither more nor cancel, because the house is now worth much less than the outstanding installments.
policies, then, let's take a vote who should include in its program a radical downsizing of the economy in finance , the return to public ownership of banks of issue (at European level if possible, otherwise national); and a monetary policy based on the original functions of the currency as a tool to issue a sovereign real economy, that is working to the extent it functional. If in the meantime scandals have swept away and disintegrated the PDL, which is reflected in the PD, we would have some hope of finding the political subject on the ballot.
Insights :
- The privatization of monetary sovereignty
- The True Story of Bank of Italy , and the corresponding item from Wikileaks
- The Federal Reserve and globalization
- Paul Barnard, that the national debt caused solely by currency sovereign not, and instead the true story of public debt
- Massimo Fini, that is the way out is politically united Europe
- No hope from Democratic Party
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